Louis Charles is a web publisher, author and speaker who focuses his work toward understanding spiritual truth in order to help free others from fear. He is also the author of an amazing book entitled, Jesus Religion: A Critical Examination of Christian Insanity.
A husband, and father of three children, Louis, at one time, served as an elder, Bible teacher, deacon, and occasional preacher within a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) congregation for a period that lasted over a decade. His personal experience as a former teacher of Fundamentalist and Evangelical church doctrines has given him an understanding of the turmoil such teachings create in others. Having had a spiritual awakening while serving in the Christian Church, Louis soon found himself struggling to reconcile what he had been told was the truth and the revelation being unveiled deep within him. Eventually, he left Christianity and set out to follow the inner, Spirit voice.
Louis now excels at helping people who suffer from fear created by Christianity's teaching of original sin, eternal punishment, demons, Satan and other fearful doctrines. He is committed to exposing such false religious ideas, while sharing the truth path to spirituality found within the message of the man many call Jesus. If you are a Christian, but know something is amiss, Louis likely has the answer you are looking for.
For over thirty years, he has been searching for the truth, concerning who we are and our place within the grand scheme of things. Louis Charles now feels it is time to share his spiritual understandings with people through public speaking and radio interviews beginning the Summer of 2009.
"I know there are others out in the world like me, who know something is wrong with Christianity's claims. Some may still be sitting in the back of a church service somewhere on Sundays, while others have possibly left Christianity altogether. Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, I can help you find peace."
Christians who suffer from fear will learn the history behind how Christianity and the Bible were formed. Then, we explore major fearful teachings, such as Hell, sin, demons and an angry, judgmental God by looking at them biblically, logically and spiritually. By facing our fears, we will find out there was never a reason to be frightened (until somebody told us we should be scared).
I teach that the true message of the man, many call Jesus, is spiritually enlightening and freeing. You'll come to know that there is no place called Hell, there never were demons out to get you, and you are not a bad, imperfect individual!