After working for 20 years in the corporate world, I am very grateful for the success I have created from home for the last 11 years. I have learned that when we tap into the Law of Attraction and other constant and never-changing Spiritual Principles, we attract to us all that we desire - both in our personal and entrepreneurial adventures. It is a joy to connect with those who are also seeking these principles as a way of life.
My Spiritual Practice... For many, the missing link to creating success is simply being aware of the Law of Attraction and being open to receiving. One simple method of remaining open to receiving is to practice repeating an Affirmation that states...
"I am open to receiving Divine inspiration and all that is mine by Divine right. I allow my good to come to me now."
A simple spiritual practice for remaining open to receiving is to stand outside and literally raise your arms to the sky as you say out loud, "I am open to receiving my Divine inspiration" or simply "I am open to receiving." Sometimes I even sing it!
I also set specific business intentions such as...
"It is my Intention to easily and automatically attract people
who are interested in my products and services, who are
qualified and ready to make a decision today - and
who are willing to take action to create success."
It is amazing how that works and I now find that those are exactly the people who show up in my life!
Personal Development... I've always had great success, even through the "failures," because I have always learned something that has increased my success in the future!
Personal Development is one of the most important factors in being successful. One thing I have learned over the years is the benefit of a daily practice of personal development, which can be as simple as spending 10 minutes in the morning setting your Intentions for the day or as elaborate as setting up a routine of meditating and reading for personal development throughout your day.
Even if you spend only 30 minutes reading or listening to one of the great teachers of the Law of Attraction that are so available to us today, I do think it will be the most important 30 minutes of your day.
Wayne Dyer recommends that you meditate by simply focusing on your breathing for just a minute at a time in your car at a traffic light. He says "there will always be someone there to tell you when it's time to go." I love that!
When you begin to take care of yourself and focus on your own personal development, it is as if magic begins to happen in your life. Try it and see!
Gratitude... Another important factor in allowing the Law of Attraction to attract to you what it is that you desire to receive is Gratitude. Just simply being grateful and showing appreciation for each moment is the key.
Marketing is fun now... My view of Marketing has changed since I have adopted the definition of Marketing from a great friend and mentor, Julie Jordan Scott, who says...
"Marketing is NOT a separate entity; it is part of being who you are and offering ways to be of service to those who are naturally attracted to who you are as a Creative Person. Marketing is making yourself known to as many people as possible in as many creative ways as possible to make them aware of what you are doing - while you are just having a darn good time."
Don't you just love that? Read it again...
It basically means allowing the Law of Attraction to attract to you those people who are interested in what you have to offer. These few words can bring great relief to those who think everyone else knows all the secrets for successful marketing, when it really can be as simple as that!
Linda Miller
P.O. Box 1210
Nebo, NC 28761