Lacole Foster Grant
Inspiring a movement of extraordinary women and men who despite default of past compromises and broken cycles; fearlessly, intentionally and courageously create and live their full potential life!
As a Certified Professional Life Coach, Speaker and Author of “The Power to Create Your Life by Design”, I passionately empower, encourage and engage others in the areas of core transformation to experience achievable, sustainable, and exponential success.
Imagine what you will do, accessing and activating just 10% more of your potential, how about 20% or 50%! You can do it! You can live the life you have imagined!
~“Lacole, thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me today. Not only are you an inspiration, a wealth of information & insight, but for the first time in I can not remember when, I am beginning to see the possibilities. The seeds of hope have been planted. You truly do have a gift”- Jen, St. Pete FL
~"Lacole, thank you so much-well timed at this point of my spiritual journey. I am learning-and must learn the lessons of forgiveness, I am healing at the deepest levels and trusting in God’s plan at the highest form. I so appreciate your effort-your voice is like is marvelous-you must do that for your clients-it was exquisite-it made me cry-in good ways-I am refilling my own love tank-in my own journey-where my love of self love is my primary focus-besides my little ones, I adore and love my boys. You could never know how much this means to me to be able to hear my personalized vision statement-as it becomes a regular in my morning rituals of Starting the day off in prayer. This adds to my spiritual rhythmic beat-that will rev up my soul…I thank you for your great kindness and love-it is returned to you effortlessly for you-I pray Gods abundant grace as you flow into your dream-and create your time in Eden. The new global village of invested love..grows my friend-we reap as we sow-obviously abundantly blessed-this is coming in to harvest. I love it and you"! Life Coach Jim
~"Lacole, God is so good! He put you in my life. He knew u was ready to see it. Its so wild! Wow! You can't imagine what is happening to me or you probably do. As I was working out listening to Les Brown, I was thinking and digging and after about 35 mins or so this deep cry started to come from me and my tears rolling down and I had to slow down from jogging. I figured it out! I know what my purpose is! It's crazy. I went back to my childhood and all my life flashed before me and I started to cry harder because I started to realize that maybe I had to go through all I did and suffer and have the challenge of being overweight since childhood to now see that maybe god wants me to understand the pain because he wants me to see my greatness and before I could understand other people in order to help them, I had to feel this and live this. Almost like Job in the bible. I'm here to help people see the greatness in them. I'm rambling I know it's so overwhelming. Thank you Lacole. It was so clear. God has been telling me all along, and I didn't want to see it, because I didn't feel I deserved it. I know, I sobbed and sobbed. This is just incredible. Thank you, thank you, thank you". Rebeca G.~St. Pete, FL
You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.--Zig Ziglar
"When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid"-Audre Lorde
"Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind
about the world. What you see reflects your thinking. And your
thinking but reflects your choice of what you want to see."
— Quote from A Course in Miracles
"You have learned something. That always feels at first as if you had lost something". George Bernard Shaw
7.) Best of Coaching:
Telephone: 646.543.3466
P.O. Box 7685
Saint Petersburg, FL 33734