Kisma K. Stepanich~Reidling founded The Faery-Faith Network in 1994 as a worldwide forum for believers in the Sidhe, Faery, lovers of Ireland, and individuals interested in undergoing spiritual training in the Bhairdic College or becoming a Member in the Faery-Faith Network or Druidic Clan of Dana.
She became actively involved in women's spirituality and the goddess movement in 1983 and is the author of Sister Moon Lodge: The Power & Mystery of Menstruation; The Gaia Tradition: Celebrating the Earth in her seasons; and, An Act Of Woman Power.
Kisma has also written and published nine other books, 5 focusing on Irish Faery-Faith Spirituality, and 4 novels The Last Matriarch, Faery With Teeth: Book One of the Faery Chronicles , NEW RELEASE -- Oceans Of Time, which is the second installment in The Faery Chronicles, and in production -- Children Of The Stars, The Faery Chronicles, Book Three, which will be released in August 2008.
Visit the new webiste:
Between 1995-97, Kisma was guided to create the Faery Wicca Tarot, which was published in 1998 (Llewellyn Worldwide). The Faery Wicca Tarot is a descendant of the Irish Faery-Faith Tradition, a spiritual pathway rooted in the wisdom of nature, believing that the universe is a balance of complementary polarities: male/female, light/shadow, our world/the otherworld, day/night, etc.
The Faery Wicca Tarot was designed as a gateway to the four great otherworld cities and all the spiritual lessons they hold. Each shining card represents a gift of wisdom from the gods and goddesses of the Irish, the Tuatha De Danann, once known as the Sidhe, Shining Ones, and later as the Faery People. The Sidhe are the origin of today's Faery.
"This uniquely "Celtic" tarot system was born from the meditations of an Ohn Ollamh as she sat upon a green Irish hilltop. With its blend of traditional tarot and Faery imagery, the Faery Wicca Tarot is a unique tool for divination and Otherworld Journeying. Each card represents any aspect of human relationships: with self, others, the planet, or with spirit. When you are ready to weave the lessons of all the cards together, your spiritual journey into the Land of Faery will begin. Clarity, wisdom and a heart-stirring Irish beauty are captured within the rich symbology of the Faery Wicca Tarot. Meditate upon these cards to unlock the knowledge of the Otherworld. Surrender to spirit and prepare to be reborn in the living shamanic tradition of the Faery-Faith."
For more information on scheduling a in person, phone, skype (video), or online Tarot reading with Kisma, please visit:
Study the Faery Wicca Tarot with Kisma in an online classroom. For details & registration, visit:
Considered an expert in Irish Faery Lore & Ancient History, Kisma has been conducting annual Sacred Pilgrimages to Ireland since 1994. Each pilgrimage is geared toward the participants, and provides a life-changing experience.
Her private practice utilizes transpersonal hypnotherapy, Reiki, and intuitive guidance for Life Coaching, Spiritual Development and Consciousness Raising. She also works with flower essences, aromatherapy and is a certified herbalist.
As of 2008, Kisma now offers Spirit Life Teleclasses and other spiritual guidance Tele-workshops. Click for a listing of classes and schedule. For a limited time, during the summer of 2008, receive a FREE MP3 recording download of Kisma's teleclass Make Fantasy Your Reality.
For a listing of Reiki Classes & Healing Sessions, visit:
Today, Kisma lives in a coastal community with her husband, the scientist and surfer, Jack Reidling, and their son, Tristan Shane.
Information on Reiki
Reiki Classes
Monthly Reiki-Light Healing Circles
Private Reiki Sessions, live & long distance
Reiki Books
TeleClasses & Workshops ~ A New Approach To Learning
Spirit Life, monthly teleclasses
Faery-Faith Network & Tradition Introduction TeleWorkshop, seasonal
Make Your Fantasy Reality, FREE teleclass MP3 download
The Faery Market Place ~ Special & Unique Faery Ware
Brigid's Press -- my books
Celtic Jewelry
Faery Art
Faery-Faith Essences & Oils
Faery-Faith herbals
Irish Crafts
Master & Faery Crystals
Horoscope/Natal Chart & Report
Transit Report Chart & Report
Relationship Chart & Report
My Child Chart & Report
Body & Soul Chart & Report
Solar Return Chart & Recording
Lunar Return Chart & Report
Charts Only
Faery Wicca Tarot Readings With Kisma
Phone (skype conference available)
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy ~ for a listing of services, please visit page.
Phone (skype conference available)
Spiritual Training ~ online classroom
Faery-Faith Tradition classes
Druidic Clan of Dana classes
Order of Sacred Tara & Red Branch classes
Basic Astrology
Druidic Solar Ogham
Irish Fidlanna or The Druid's Lots
Faery Wicca Tarot
Irish Folk Healing
The Science & Art of Herbalism
Faery-Faith Network Membership
The Faery Chronicles Novel Series
Faery With Teeth, Book One of the Faery Chronicles
Oceans Of Time, The Faery Chronicles
Children Of The Stars, The Faery Chronicles, Book Three
"There is a place where words are born of silence,
A place where the whispers of the heart arise."
~ Rumi
I would invite you to visit my websites.
Faery-Faith Network ~
Provides indepth information on my spiritual pathway and trainings offered via teleclasses and in an online classroom forum, as well as membership into our worldwide organization. You will also find a marketplace on all my books and other products, as well as book excerpts. This is where information on my Tarot services and online Tarot class will be found.
Kisma Reidling ~
Provides insight into my writing & speaking resume, including a complete listing of previously published articles and media interview, as well as podcasts on some personal interests as well as readings on my novels, and My BLOG.
Reiki-Light Healing Center ~
Provides indepth infromation on Reiki, its Founder & evolution, Reiki Principals, Handpositions, as well as my Reiki Class Schedule, Monthly Reiki-Light Healing Circle, and Private Reiki Healing Sessions both live as well as long-distance.
The Faery-Chronicles Novel Series ~
Provides information on my new popular novel series, information on each novel, book signing & event schedule, fan club enewsletter sign-up, and book ordering information.
If you wish to contact me, please do.
Telephone: 949-302-2754
Postal Mail:
Faery-Faith Network & Faerie Dance Tours
Reiki-Light Healing Center
Kesh Cottage,
335 Lugonia Street,
Newport Beach, CA 92663