My earliest recollections of childhood include images of stuffed animals and dolls lined up in a row in my bedroom. They were all ready to be taught by the best teacher in the house — me! It’s so funny that when I look back at those times, I can see the smile of satisfaction on my face. I loved thinking that I was sharing my knowledge of the world with somebody — even if only stuffed objects. One thing is for sure. I had a hope in my heart that one day I would be an educator. I would make a difference in the lives of others.
Over the years, I have evolved from my bedroom to the boardroom and been able to nurture that hope into a God-given gift to educate people and impact lives. In 1999, I stepped out of Corporate America and became a new virtual business owner. Wow, was I a fish out of water. My comfort zone was gone, my circle of influence became smaller, and I suddenly felt all alone — vulnerable to failure. Rather than give in to that fear, I embraced the challenge to not fail and made some wise investments in my business. I got help and an education on how to show up as the confident business owner my clients needed to see. I hired coaches to help me brand myself, change my mindset, establish my business standards, and design my program funnel — which saved me money and time. Phew!
As a Tribe Coach, I combine my experience from 6 years of being a systems VA for coaches with my passion for helping coaches find the right combination of strategies and techniques to build an authentic business. When I can help a coach to discover their passion and unique story, they quickly see their authentic place in the coaching industry. No more stuffed animals for me — I now work with real people that I can educate and help which gives me hope and keeps me thriving on a daily basis!
"No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care."
"Set strong standards for your business or you will adopt the weak standards of others."
"Your ideal client will never say NO."
Closing the deal with a prospect begins with a plan. Contact me and schedule a 30-minute "Show Up and Shake Hands" session at
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