Life Purpose Coach, vibrational healer, spiritual teacher, author, Reiki Seichim Master... I am a multi-faceted, ever changing, always growing, eclectic conglomeration of a human being. Learning, and then teaching what I've learned, is my purpose this lifetime. It's more than my passion. It's what I live for. For me, a life without learning is a life of boredom, stagnation, and no purpose. I'm constantly asking my Primary Question - "What is the learning in this?" - not only of myself but also of my coaching clients. Here's where you can find out much more about who I am, what I've done, where I've gone to school, what I've learned, how I teach and coach, and other such information:
Classes and Workshops:
Spiritual Services:
Spiritual Products:
The best way to predict the future is to create it. (Unknown author)
When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take that first step into the darkeness of the unknown you must believe one of two things will happen: there will be something solid for you to stand upon or, you will be taught how to fly.
Patrick Overton, Building the Front Porch of America
I offer a diverse array of classes, workshops, services, and products. I suggest starting at my main website: If you're looking for things more spiritual, you might want to visit my website dedicated to things more "new age-y", such as classes in Tarot, Reiki, and Spiritual Communication, products such as Geopathic Stress Cure and Essential Oils, and services such as Reiki, Raindrop Therapy, and Tarot readings. Go to for metaphysical products, services, and classes. Read excerpts from my book, An Inner Journey: Living Your Life Purpose, at
Kathy Wilson
Phone: 360.437.9328
Cell: 360.301.1864