Kathleen Barnes has 13 books to her credit as author, co-author and editor, most of them on natural health and green living. Her passion for natural health and sustainable living has its roots in the early days of the natural health movement. Kathleen has been part of the effort to raise public awareness of natural heath as an advocate and yoga teacher for more than 30 years.
Recently, she has become a publisher of her own books and those of others based on a business model where authors are fairly and amply compensated for their work. Her business, The Book Midwife, helps prospective authors give birth to their dreams of writing and publishing readable and economically viable books.
Kathleen has lived in Europe, Asia and Africa and brings a broad international perspective to her work.
She lives in the mountains of western North Carolina with her husband, Joe, and two dogs, two cats and two horses.
See more of Kathleen’s work at www.kathleenbarnes.com.
Books by Kathleen Barnes:
The Calcium Lie: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know Could Kill You by Dr. Robert Thompson and Kathleen Barnes (InTruth Press, 2008).
8 Weeks to Vibrant Health: A Take Charge Plan for Women by Dr. Hyla Cass and Kathleen Barnes (first edition, McGraw-Hill, 2004, second edition TakeCharge Books, 2008).
The Secret of Health: Breast Wisdom by Dr. Ben Johnson and Kathleen Barnes (Morgan James 2007).
User’s Guide to Thyroid Disorders by Kathleen Barnes (Basic Health Publications, 2006).
Users Guide to Natural Hormone Replacement by Kathleen Barnes (Basic Health Publications, 2005).
Arthritis and Joint Health by Kathleen Barnes (Woodland Publishing, 2005).
Trial by Fire: A Woman Correspondent’s Journey to the Front Line by Kathleen Barnes (first edition, Thunder’s Mouth Press, New York, 1990; second edition, ASJAPress, 2007).
Books edited by Kathleen Barnes:
Living Green: Simple Sustainable Living by Greg Horn (Freedom Press, 2006).
Natural Cures from a Real Medical Doctor by Dr. Allen Josephs (Common Sense Publishing, 2006).
Memory Loss is Not Inevitable by Dr. Allen Josephs (Common SensePublishing, 2007)
The Yeast Connection and Women’s Health by Drs. William Crook and Hyla Cass (first edition, Professional Books, 2003; second edition with Dr. Carolyn Dean, 2005).