I began my journey with a calling to ministry at a young age that I could not define fully. It is a journey that noone understood and often not even myself, so there were many misteps and some smart decisions also, such as becoming an Interfaith minister. I went to college, got a job, the standard, but kept having paranormal experiences, premonitions and such, yet ignored it. However when Fibromyalgia and all that comes with it really hit hard I had to evaluate everything in my life. My health keeps giving me more and more surprises and forcing more and more re-evaluations.
It seens to push me closer and closer to entrepreneurship, discipline of mind, and spirit, of reason and socience, especially science of the mind. I have come to a place where I best categorize myself as a metaphysical science agnostic understanding that being human I can not possibly understand all there is to understand about the wonders of this universe, but I can always strive to learn.
Shalom to all.
Society for Metaphysics and Wellness
P.O. Box 904 Peck Slip Station New York, NY 10272-0904
Email: societysmwmedia@usa.com