Hi There !
I'm so excited to have found this Community of Experts! There is much to learn here and lots of fun to be had! First off, I prefer to be called an "Emotional Freedom Coach." It sounds less formal. I basically have received the majority of my teachings from the "School of Hard Knocks". Having a child right out of High School, I spent the majority of my adult life raising myself and my daughter. This was no easy task. I had been convinced by outside sources that there was something wrong with me, therefore was on a search to "fix it". I tried everything that crossed my path. I always knew that when I found "IT" I would then share "IT" with others. I always felt my path was healing and unconditional love. I had many opportunities to explore both extensively. My path of course came full circle to the spirit within. EFT has been a huge help in my personal healing and of those around me. ( Read "Emily's Story" at www.myspace.com/kcbertness ) I find that EFT is a great tool for empowerment. So now on with my true mission, that is sharing with others ! Oh yeah, my "formal" training is in EFT, I have studied Gary Craig's courses and have received both certificates and now get to put Advanced Practitioner by my name...cute eh? I've also attended the Lev I & II EFT workshops and will be attending the final Level III in April. My long term goal is to eventually become an EFT Master and to teach EFT Lev. I, II & III workshops. Have also studied Dr. Patricia Carrington's EFT Choices Method. In developing my own EFT style, I have combined what I learned from Gary Craig and Dr. Carrington with a good size dose of my own Intuition. ;)
Empowerment with EFT includes clearing out of your nervous system that which no longer serves you. My approach is highly intuitive and is as effective over the phone as it is in person. Gary Craig is fond of saying "EFT works through you not by you." This is truly the miracle and awe of EFT. Also included is teaching you how to do EFT at home, this is where the empowerment really kicks into high gear! You will learn to be your own bestfriend.
Check out my website at: www.myspace.com/kcbertness My most dramatic success story using EFT is posted there, "Emily's Story."
I offer a free 20 min. session to see if we are a fit. Call: 541-265-8301 for date & time
I have lots of free EFT articles and E-Books, let me know what your interested in.
Karen C. Bertness EFT ADV
Emotional Freedom Coach
7030 NE Echo Court
Newport, Oregon 97365