Julie Henderson grew up on a small family farm in Saskatchewan, Canada. After graduating, she worked in a plywood mill for a year. The following year, she enrolled in a secretarial program and upon completion she started her career in that field. Julie had a long and successful career in the administrative field, and while working full time, she completed the Certified Professional Secretaries designation, as well as a Bachelor of Administration degree from Athabasca University, Alberta, Canada. Two months after convocation, Julie was hired at Keewatin Community College (currently University College of North), The Pas, Manitoba, Canada, where she taught in the Business and Administrative programs. Four years later, she was seconded to another department Community of Continuing Education, as a Training Consultant. After relocating, she held a position of Manager, Student Services. Julie’s personal interest in health and wellness also prompted her to study and certify as a Registered Nutritional Consultant.
As a published author, Expect Success Be Unstoppable, A Woman’s Secret Recipe and speaker, Julie’s message is based on her own life-changing event, a lesson she learned in a wheelchair. As a result of a near fatal head-on car accident, Julie experienced many challenges, yet she credits that event as one of the most life-changing lessons. She also believes you always have a choice, you can be positive or negative, and you can either blame others or take responsibility for those choices; these are the keys to shaping your life.
As a result of a near fatal head-on car accident, Julie experienced many challenges, yet she credits that event as one of the most life-changing lessons. As a leading authority in teaching success strategies, Julie motivates, inspires, and empowers entrepreneurial women to achieve the success in business and life they deserve. She is the Founder and CEO of Expect Success Be Unstoppable. Whether you are feeling trapped by your circumstances, you want to create a business, you want to attract more clients, or you want more freedom and flexibility to live a life you desire, Julie shares her expert life and business knowledge, along with strategies, tips, tools and resources that will help you to create the life you dream about.
Known for her positive attitude and her ability to build instant rapport when connecting with people, Julie is passionate about helping entrepreneurial women in direct sales succeed. Julie is visible online through social media and blogging.
Julie’s greatest achievement is her close relationship with her husband and two adult sons. She is a life-long learner, with a keen interest in self-improvement and personal growth.
Aside from loving what she does, Julie interests include moksha yoga, working out, the outdoors, and inspirational movies.
For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
"If you think you can, or you can't, you are probably right." Henry Ford
Life can be challenging and it can be difficult. However, I believe you always have a choice, you can be positive or negative, and you can either blame others or take responsibility for those choices. These are the keys to shaping your life.
To learn more about Julie or to receive a copy of a free report, you can go to www.ExpectSuccessBeUnstoppable.com
You can contact Julie at Julie@ExpectSuccessBeUnstoppable.com
Read my blog at http://ExpectSuccessBeUnstoppable.com
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