In 1994, at age 44, Julia Indichova gave birth to a healthy babygirl, in direct contradiction to all that medical dogma of the day declared possible. Library Journal hailed her memoir Inconceivable (Doubleday2001) as “an important consumer health resource…the firstsuch book written from the patient’s point of view.” In the last sixteen years, Indichova’s commitment to share what she learned with women whosough her help, brought forth The FertileHeart™ Ovum Mind Body Program. The program, says, Julia is “essentially, a birthing practiceintended to help us birth the healthiest, most fulfilling lives ” can be applied not only to fertility challenges but to any health related difficulties,or crisis.
Author, activist, Julia Indichova founded in 1997. The Fertile Heart Studio in WoodstockNew York and New York City has been offering workshops, international teleconferences, Guest Teachers Phone Circles with some of the most respected doctors in the field ofreproductive health, and integrative medicine A Fertile Heart ™ chapter has recentlyopened in Boca Raton, and plans are onthe way to open similar chapters in the fall in a number of US cities.Indichova’s work and story have been featured on the The Oprah Winfrey Show,Good Morning America, Oxygen, NPR’s 51%, in Natural Health, San Francisco Chornicle, Health magazine, USA Weekend, and other outlets.
Fertile Heart Studio
PO Box 767
Woodstock, NewYork 12498
Phone: (845) 679-5469