Judy Ringer creates innovative seminars, presentations and trainings to help you and your organization transform conflict, communicate effectively, and co-create a positive work environment.
A black belt in aikido, Ringer uses aikido principles of blending and redirection of energy to develop one-of-a-kind experiences that are creative, interactive, and fun.
Judy Ringer is the author of Unlikely Teachers: Finding the Hidden Gifts in Daily Conflict, a book of stories, practices, and inspiration on turning life's challenges into life teachers.
She has also written numerous articles on the relevance and application of the aikido metaphor to conflict and communication, including articles for Aikido Today Magazine and The Systems Thinker. She is the author of two newsletters, including the award-winning Ki Moments.
Clients include the National Institutes of Health, BAE Systems, Sony Corporation, Honda of America Manufacturing, Frito-Lay, Bose Corporation, TDBanknorth, Maine Medical Center, Maine General Health, The American Red Cross, The National Education Association, and the States of New Hampshire and Vermont.
Our awareness is always in training. We can learn and practice new skills to change the way we handle conflict and the way we live. -- Judy Ringer
Organisms do not experience environments, they create them. -- From "A Simpler Way," by Margaret Wheatley
Power & Presence Training
76 Park Street • Portsmouth, NH 03801