Eastern School of Acupuncture & Traditional Medicine, acupuncture & oriental medicine
Dr. Richard Teh-Fu Tan, classical, dynamic & static balance methods
Upledger Institute, CranioSacral Therapy
East West Med, MicroCurrent & Color Light therapy
Kiiko Matsumoto, Japanese acupuncture & moxibustion
Loomis Institute, enzyme supplementation
Nutritional and enzyme supplementation products, cosmeceutical topicals and herbal preparations for continued health. Products include: NanoGreens, SkinCeuticals & Dynamis (Meg-21) serums and skin rejuvenation and protection products, Loomis Thera-Zyme enzymes, Designs for Health supplements, etc.
Pain, discomfort and disease are not mandatory...You Have Hope--there are many options for accessing your body's natural healing process and returning to a healthy state. "There are two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein
Jonathan Holasek, Doctor of Acupuncture, L.Ac., C.A. Mountain Lakes Integrated Healthcare 115 US Highway 46, Suite A3 Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046 973 331 0200 AcuDoctor@mac.com Integrative Medicine for Holistic Health & Happiness utilizing Acupuncture, CranioSacral, MicroCurrent and Enzyme Replacement Therapies