In today's society, the virtues are practically non-existent. People are ultra-competitive, and more divided than ever before. This is because political, economic and religious ideologies continue to foment discord and unhappiness for many. Mankind will never reach their potential, unless the adoption of pristine values are emphasized. Attributes like love, forgiveness and humility, must be taught to our youth and disenfranchised.
Have you lost your hope for the future, and zest for living? Many have. They live their lives in a desultory manner. They make poor decisions in their relationships and secular pursuits. Their choices of recreation are often injurious as well. This does not have to happen to you, or anyone else. A prosperous life can be obtained when we develop the skills necessary to cultivate relationships and augment our self-esteem. In my web site, I introduce you to the principles and qualities which shape a healthy mind and body. Visit my web site, to find an enriching perspective on life.
1). The lack of empathy is what has set back mankind.
2)Modesty is the best policy.
3)Sometimes situations are out of our control. However, we always can control our reaction to them.
4)The best gifts a person can impart is wisdom and love.
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