Hello there, my name is John Seay and I’m an Internet Marketer, Network Marketer, and Affiliate Marketer, all combined into one package!(Smile) I have a passion for Social Media because of the wonderful relationships that can be developed with the friend connections it provides, and I have a great love for blogging which is the “Central Hub” of yours and my Internet business. None of the above can truly take place without a desire for Personal Development, wanting to be the best person I can become.
You will find my Blogging site to be somewhat different from most others, because I have lived long enough to have learned and understand the importance of providing you with more than valuable content , information, and tips that are going to help you and others to experience success in your life and online marketing.
I have a very strong desire to share and communicate with you the power of “Words of Wisdom,” which is the Spiritual foundation for any of life’s pursuits. After “Words of Wisdom,” what naturally follows is my profound interest in Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, and Social Media, along with many other topics that will help you along your journey of seeking Freedom and Financial Success.
Since you’ve read this far, I believe I can say without hesitation that you agree with me when I say that I’m tremendously excited about preparing myself to live life to my highest potential as I travel on the road to greater success!
“How I Went From A High School Dropout To An Achiever”
A Synopsis Of My Genesis
I’m the oldest of four children, two brothers and a sister. Both of my parents are deceased, and my two brothers, Raymond and David are also deceased, and I have a sister, Janice who is the baby of the family. I’m married and the the proud father of seven(7) children and nine(9) grandchildren! I graduated from the great Sumner High School in St. Louis Mo., but before I graduated, I dropped out of high school in the tenth grade with a “D” average, and decided that I was smart enough to make it in the world without an education.
During my first year as a high school dropout, I spent most of my time across the street from my high school, talking through the opened school windows to the students who were in their classrooms. What a waste of time. So finally, I got tired of that nonproductive activity, and began to seriously look for a job, so that I could help my mother financially raise my two brothers and sister. In those days, jobs were easy to come by, but they did’nt pay very much, particularly, if you only had a tenth grade education. I worked different jobs over the ensuing months giving most of my income to my mother for my siblings, which I enjoyed. My mother never asked me to help her take care of her family, I just loved her so much that I just wanted to be able to help her.
My Return To High School
After working in those menial jobs for about a year or two, I decided that I must return to high school, because I could see clearly that the way I was going, it would be decades before I could make enough money to be able to buy myself a nice car, and to have money in the bank for myself. So what I did was to sign-up for the regular day classes at Sumner High. In those days, our high school had evening classes, so I also enrolled in the evening school at the same time.
By this time, I was on fire! I had a burning desire to be somebody, and I wanted to be that somebody as quickly as possible.
During the summer months, I took as many summer courses that I could, attending a different high school so that I could speed up my graduation date. Sure enough, after day classes, night classes, and summer school every summer for three years, I actually graduated from Sumner High with a “B” average in three and one half years, and was the Vice President of the Student Council, which made me very proud.
My University Pursuits
Upon graduation from Sumner High School in 1957, I worked very hard that summer to make as much money as I could so that I could follow my girl friend to Missouri University at Columbia, Mo. I worked as a Bell Hop at one of the hotels in Saint Louis and earned enough money to pay for most of my tuition and room and board, and off I went to Mizzou that following September. I had to hold down two part time jobs on campus my first year to help pay for my tuition and other expenses. My money ran out at the end of the school year in 1958, so I returned to Saint Louis, and tried to enroll in Harris Teachers College, but did not succeed at that. I got married that year. I told you, I thought I was very smart. (smile)
My Employment At Saint Louis University Medical School
Since I could not get into college that year, I landed a job as a “Curator” at Saint Louis University Medical School, in the Pharmocology Department. Don’t you agree that my job title is quite impressive at the university? Well, to be honest with you, my job as “Curator” entailed my taking care of the rabbits and mice for the Doctor who was doing Pharmacology research. My responsibility was to put the rabbits and mice to sleep and remove their Aorta, so that Dr. Coret could do his research. Believe it or not, I was somewhat proud of my job, because I wore a “white” laborortory coat everyday, which carried a little prestige.(smile)
As you may know, Saint Louis University (SLU) is a Jesuit School, and the Nuns actually controlled most of the Nursing and Technology side of the Medical School. One of the Nuns took a liking to me, and I to her, and she figured out a way to help me to enter Saint Louis University in their Medical Technology Program. I had no money to talk about, but they let me into this great university anyway! So I attended school for a year and then had to drop out because of a lack of funds.
I worked for a year and dropped out of classes again. You must understand that I was in a program that you must attend school during the day, one could not take science courses in the evening. But I had to work to make some money, therefore, I dropped out of school for another semester, and would return the next semester. To make a long story short, it took me 10 years to get my undergraduate degree because of the lack of finances, and the responsibility I had to take care of my family, which by this time, my wife and I had seven children. We have one set of twins. We were busy. (smile)
I received my B.S. Degree in Biology from Saint Louis University (SLU) in 1967. I also received a Master’s Degree In Business Administration (M.B.A.) from SLU, in 1972.
My Fulltime Work From 1972 Until The Present
I was Blessed to have the position of Executive Director for an organization called the “Interracial Council For Business Opportunity” (I.C.B.O) back in the late 60′s where we concentrated on assisting people in the St. Louis area who wanted to start-up or expand their business. We even helped these businesses secure debt financing from the local banks in St. Louis.
That was a great deal of fun, and a tremendous sense of accomplishment! These businesses were all of the brick and mortar type, but today, we’re passionate about helping those who are
willing to work to start or expand their business on the Internet.
In the following years I was an Adjunct Professor, teaching Accounting and Business Organization at Washington University at St. Louis, and Missouri University at St. Louis. I also
taught Accounting and Management courses at Hamilton College in Des Moines, Iowa, for five
I also worked as Financial Coordinator for the Department of Natural Resources, of the State of Iowa, bringing in all of the Department of Interior Federal Money to the State of Iowa for Fish & Wildlife Development. I took early retirement from the State of Iowa in June of 1995.
My Personal Business Start-Ups
Right around 1980, I started up a retail Liquor business, which I’m not proud of, but I did learn
quite a bit from my failure in that business. I also had my own cookware distributorship
at the same time, which is part of the reason, my liquor business failed. I had no focus. I
became a Minister of the Gospel after I closed down the Liquor business and founded a non denominational church in Des Moines, Iowa and Pastored that church for ten years, and then
returned to Saint Louis, Mo.
Before leaving Des Moines, Iowa, I signed up in a MLM company, called “Cell Tech,” in 1995.
I was Pastoring my church at this time. This was the most exciting time in my life. I had an excellent upline who taught me how to make money almost immediately. As a matter of fact,
I was so Blessed at this time, that I could not do anything wrong! I achieved the top level of
“Double Diamond” with that company within 12 months. I attribute my quick success in that
company because I was serving the Lord, and I worked hard to make success happen!.
My Character Building Plan
One of my joys in life is studying Personal Development materials with the aspirations of
becoming the best person I can become. I’ve been following this path for over twenty five
years, but I have not yet arrived. (smile) I’m still seeking more personal development
information, because there is room for improvement in my total human development program.
I’m still studying Napoleon Hill’s book, “Think And Grow Rich,” to help me reach the
finish line of personal development. I’m sure you will agree, there is no such thing as a true
finish line in self development, for it is a continuum.
Last, but not least, I read the BIBLE everyday that gives me a Spiritual strength that no secular
material can match, period!
My greatest desire is to leave a legacy for my 7 children and 9 grandchildren that will inspire them to take a look at my life, and decide that they will seek after their highest potential in the particular areas of their interests, and accomplish much more than I have in my short time on this earth.