John Freeman has spent almost two decades helping people engage their subconscious, get the best from themselves, and get moving purposefully towards what they want in life.
He qualified as an advanced hypnotherapist in 2001, and although he doesn't practice anymore, his guided visualisations have evolved from the recordings that all his clients used to go away with. He believes most 'issues' can be dealt with effectively with the help of his magical recordings.
He ceates all of his visualisations without scripts - "Straight from his subconscious to yours!"
He is the author of Vivid Visualisations: Success without Stress and teaches visualisation One-to-One as well as groups.
He is on a mission to help everyone make friends with their subconscious; and his grand vision is that everyone will listen to a guided visualisation at least once a day in the knowledge that the recording is fast-tracking them to the life of their dreams and the person they deserve to be.