Hello I'm Jody Kelly from the company Pure Health Choices. I started my online Health store to help people to be able to choose safe organic and natural alternative products to use in their home. I have been a natural health professional and herbalist for many years. My passion is to discover natural ways to heal the body and share all my knowledge with other people that share the same interests. Education is so powerful.
You will find that my web site has many natural and safe alternatives to every day products. These products I use in my own home.
My email address is jknaturesunshine@aol.com For more information and free bath salts recipes visit my web site. www.purehealthchoices.com
Check to see what supplements and herbs that will support your body naturally by taking the Free Health analyzer test. http://wwww.mynsp.com/kelly
I feel that every one has a choice when it comes to healing their body. My passion is to educate and tell people that there are other choices such as alternative natural remedies that they can choose to use. I want people to know that alternative health remedies will help their body to heal itself and not just work on the symptions. You can take responbility for your health. You can heal your body, mind and soul. They are all a part of the healing process. This is what alternative health is all about, healing the person and body as a whole.
The best way to start learning about alternative products is to visit my web site at www.purehealthchoices.com. Take the Free health analyzer test. Then read my free articles or you can purchase alternative books on natural healing. Please feel free to email me with any questions that you might have.
Jody A. Kelly C.N.H.P.
Pure Health Choices
Natural Health Store on line
email: jknaturesunshine@aol.com
web site: www.purehealthchoices.com