Becoming the Leader... And The Person You Always Knew You Were!
Have you ever felt frustrated that no matter what you did, you couldn’t seem to create the outcome you wanted or reach the goals you were trying to achieve?
Years ago I remember the intense frustration and disappointment I’d feel every time I’d finish a self help book that promised to deliver what I so desperately needed, a way out of my fear and pain. I knew there must be answers out there, and I had tried again and again to find these answers in books. Every book jacket made wonderful promises that would help me end the endless cycle of fear, depression, desolation and unhappiness I was going through. I didn’t want to live with these feelings, and from my perspective it seemed the whole world was functioning more effectively than I was. I couldn’t figure out what the answer was, BUT the books promised to deliver, so I kept reading. Eventually I started listening to CD’s. I just knew the answer had to be out there somewhere, but it never was.
I spent years researching and studying, always looking for answers. And as I started to understand how much focus is placed on healing from the outside first, when all the work must start from the inside, I began to realize how much is possible, what complete transformations are available to us, there truly is no limit.
Is it easy? It could be, change can happen in a heartbeat.
Is it usually instantaneous? The honest answer is no.
Real transformation, real change, involves having tools/information that can guide us to look in places where we might have avoided looking in the past, or perhaps in places we never even knew existed. And with these tools, and subsequent understandings, we have the ability to create completely new (transformational) ways of thinking, truly creating the most authentic kind of magic around.
About Jennifer:
Jennifer Webb is an internationally-recognized motivational speaker, author, trainer and consultant, one of a prestigious group of women using magic as a technique to inspire, motivate and educate. She combines a high-energy, interactive format with innovative information and stories of personal challenges (cancer survivor, climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro to get over her fear of height) to energize audiences worldwide.
Author of several books on reaching potential, she is founder and president of Magic Communications, a 20-year-old company designed to teach people how to see their choices, in order to create specific results. Jennifer is certified in Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and trained in other disciplines such as NonViolent Communication and Myers-Briggs.
She has worked as a journalist, interviewing such notables as Orson Welles, Muhammad Ali and Ted Kennedy, while working on various publications. She gained extensive television experience starring in cross-country television promotional tours and worked for several years on CBS Morning News, Reno affiliate, as a Personal Power Coach. With a strong vision of personal empowerment, she entertains and educates participants, leaving them with information they can use immediately.
Seminar Topics:
Creating Real Magic -- The Attitude that Sells: Five Steps to Get Great Results in Half the Time - An excellent keynote to open or close any conference, this exciting, highly interactive presentation focuses on five strategies to change behavior in ourselves and others to get outstanding results, starting immediately. This includes techniques for more powerful communication as well as tools to develop smarter leadership skills. Entertaining, educating, exciting and empowering, this keynote allows audiences to have a fabulous time while they learn.
Slaying the Monsters: How to Stay Motivated in a Changing Environment
By assessing why people fight change, learn the techniques to use change advantageously, looking at new skill sets to negotiate change, handle people"s anxieties, cope with stress and translate negative information into opportunities.
Action Heroes: How to be a HERO to Every Customer
People are desperate for heroes, and Action Heroes have the power we are all looking for. They appear fearless (look at how often fear stops us from taking action), they have X-ray vision to see past the problem to the potential and the possibilities (audience participants receive their own "X-ray" vision glasses), and these heroes have super hearing in order to understand what people need, not necessarily what they are saying. Action Heroes can also leap tall problems with a single bound because they understand the magic of empowering others.
The Magic of Kilimanjaro: Wisdom from the Mountain
Using her experience from climbing Africa's tallest mountain, this program deals with overcoming adversity and handling life's inevitable setbacks
Monster Lies: A Woman's Guide to Controlling Her Destiny
This multi-sensory keynote address uses comedy, magic and wisdom to present a powerful message in a very entertaining package. From Jennifer's dynamic new book entitled Monster Lies, this keynote (or seminar) deals with the lies or inaccurate beliefs that we've been holding on to that limit our success. During this presentation, you will learn how to identify and reshape these beliefs.
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."
~ Will Rogers
To bring Jennifer in to inspire, teach, train or coach your group, contact her at (775) 674-6411 or email her by clicking here.
To learn more about her programs, and obtain either her free demo DVD or free CD, simply call or email us today.
See more at
Jennifer Webb
Email me by clicking here
Phone: (775) 674-6411
(775) 674-6477
Magic Communications
3413 Ridgecrest Drive
Reno, NV 89512