A Soul To Soul Connection Exists For Everyone!
Jennifer Elizabeth Masters is a love and passion coach. She found her authentic self through her journey out of pain and suffering. Walking through the fire of abuse, trauma and abandonment into self love she was able to ellminate fear, co-depency and addiciton through the path of enlightenment. In the process of healing herself she developed Emotional Clearing Therapy (ECT). Only when you accept yourself as you are, can you accept others. Coming into a relationship in the fullness of who you are is the only way to have a healthy relationship based on unconditional love; free of abuse, disrepect and suffering.
Until you love and accept yourself unconditionally you cannot truly give and receive love from another.
Jennifer is an Awakened being, a Mystic, hearing the voice of God, angels and The Ascended Masters. She cuts through the disception, fear, fog, and empowers you. In each session with Jennifer layers are lifted raising your vibration and clearing limiting patterns and veils that keep you in the present paradigm. Each session brings you closer to your authentic self and soul purpose.
Jennifer is a gifted and fierce healer. Her expertise is in helping you find your soul mate by bringing you into alignment with your TRUE SELF.
Jennifer works with people committed to their life purpose and spiritual growth. Her approach is direct yet compassionate. She has been where you are and is here to help you find the way.
Do you keep repeating the same relationship over and over with different people? Are you wondering why you cannot attract someone who treats you with respect? Do you have everything material in the world you want, but still feel empty and vacant inside?
If you have answered yes to any of the above questions call Jennifer for a session. You deserve to live a life of ease and joy. Relataionships do not have to be hard. You deserve happiness and unconditional love.
Contact Jennifer now for a powerful session to beging raising your vibration and clearing your veils now at (770) 480-5500.
I complete me! - Jennifer Elizabeth Masters, 2011
This is my favorite mantra. Having self-deprecating thoughts is counterproductive. If God would not say negative things about you, why should you?
When you look outside of yourself for love, you will find yourself coming up empty and disempowered. Neediness comes from looking for others to complete you. This is a false sense of self. The core of who you are is love. Jennifer helps you uncover that love so that you can be and have all that you were meant to. You are a Divine Child of God. Love is at the core of who you are. TRUST THAT. RECIEVE IT. OWN IT!!
Worry and fear are not real. When you focus on your worries and fears you are disconnecting from GOD, Source, Universal Energy. Fear blocks you from having all you want and desire.
Remember whatever you focus on expands. No matter whether it is positive or negative. If you are focusing on lack, you will get more lack. If you focus on abundance instead, you will have abundance. If your outside world is chaotic and negative, look inside. Your world is merely showing you what you are focusing on. If angry people surround you, was your father a rageaholic? Whatever you fear the most is drawn to you like a magnet.
If you are wondering why men abuse you, look inside. Do you respect yourself? Do you have healthy boundaries? Are you needy? Do you feel small and that everyone is prettier or thinner than you? All the feelings you have inside are reflected in your outside world.
When you begin your day start with a prayer of Gratitude. Take 10 minutes to connect with your heart and say Thank you for being alive. Even when you feel you have nothing going for you, there is a silver lining. Look for it and give thanks. When you have gratitude you are stepping into the flow of The Divine. You are opening yourself up to your good. During the day remind yourself to be grateful.
Walking out in nature connects you with God faster than anything. God is all around you. All you have to do is open your eyes and become AWARE!
The trees, grass and snow contains God. The sun, moon and stars have the beautify they do because they are Divine. God is everywhere. A state of appreciation will raise you up and help you feel better. We are co-creators with God. Whatever you experience God experiences through you. Do you want your experience of God to be sad, or joyful? Negative or Positive? I choose Joy and Positive. How about you?
Jennifer is available to access your Akashic Records for personal empowerment, Empowered Coaching and Hypnotherapy Sessions. Spiritual Response Therapy Practitioner.
(770) 480-5500