I, Jeannette Cole, am a spendthrift - REFOMED! For someone with a Masters Degree in Business you might think that a bit odd. After all, I studied Finance, worked for a Fortune 500 company and help some hefty management positions. But alas there was a disconnect between my business and personal lives.
I could deal effectively with budgets in millions but my personal behavior was a disaster. My mother had a spend mentality, whether the money was there or not, and she taught me well.
It might have been a catastrophe had I not married a CPA with an incredible relationship with money, and I've been blessed to work with financial products that taught me much over the years. It is my hope and desire that I can share some of that hand won knowledge and enable my readers to better understand how money works and perhaps even change a few little things along the way.
We, as a country and a people, need to make some serious changes in our relationshiop with money, but it doesn't have to be painful. Sometimes just understanding how money works makes some of the changes if not painless then at least tolerable.
Enjoy the book and savor the journey!
Style Revolt is not a product but rather a grass roots movement. The fashion industry is focused on twenty-somethings and women after childbirth or over 50 are forgotten. Designers are inspired by the "art" of clothes and not by the needs and desires of their customers.
As Albert Einstein said: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
Today, Insanity seems to be the norm when it comes to managing our money!
We have the power to change this by simple education. Learning how money works, how to manage it and how to make it work and grow for your benefit is not rocket science. Money is basic math and those who understand it have it and those who don't, don't! You don't have to earn a fortune to live very comfortably. And, you don't have to give up everything and live on a strict budget either.
So You're Broke, Now What? 31 Highly Effective Tips for Getting Debt Under Control! is a primer on credit and debt that can change your life. These simple-to-implement tips teach you how to save money on purchases, reduce over-indebtedness, and keep more of what you make. Implementing a few will help measurably and implementing most of them will change your life.
Style Revolt is a grass roots movement. If you're a mother or a woman over 50 this should resonate with you. The fashion industry is focused on twenty-somethings because they are fun to design for and they spend more. So the rest of us, especially women after childbirth or over 50 are left with poor or inappropriate design choices.
Let's not be the silent majority any longer. There are 75 million women in the boomer group alone and if each one spent an additional $100 per year, that's a 7.5 billion dollar market. Now that should get someone's attention.
I have a passion for fashion (just wish I could find something worth buying) and a background in market research. I'm donating my time and skills to survey 5000 women in hopes of making the fahion industry sit up and take notice of our desires. Please join me. It only takes a few minutes.
It’s time for a change so let’s get together and let them know how we feel. Survey results will become the foundation of a book designed to cause the Fashion industry to stop, think, and act differently!
Go to http://stylerevoltquestionnaire.blinkweb.com for the survey link. Also please forward the survey e-mail to every woman on your list. Let’s spread it across the country this week.