Jayde Lucia Piot is the Founder/Director of The Arch of Light Center. She organizes workshops and monthly events together with Holistic Practitioners, Healers, and Teachers dedicating their lives to support the planetary need for healing and raising of consciousness, bringing the Divine Light and Love to All through their practices.
Currently living in the Los Angeles area, Jayde offers Workshops, Certification Training and Private Sessions in a variety of Holistic Healing Modalities including:
* Reiki (Usui Ryoho & Tibetan Systems)
* Rising Star and Prema Birthing Healing System
* Light Language and Sacred Geometry of the Mayan Curanderos
* Bio Aquatics...
Jayde has written Reiki Manuals for all Levels of Reiki Certification which are available for purchase. She is currently completing a Reiki Book to be published forChildren and Teens.
During Jayde's extended stays in Brazil, the work of Medium Joao de Deus profoundly heightened her own gifts to be a vessel for the Light and the Healing Energies that aremanifesting through her.
Enhanced by her professional background as a Dancer/Choreographer and Hatha Yoga Instructor, Jayde's Healing Work and Teachings are a very powerful experience for the integration of Body, Mind and Spirit.
"Compassion is not just about helping those less fortunate than ourselves, it's about the realization that we are all connected as one human family".
"Love is the answer now, what was the question"?
"Be the Change you want to see in the World"
"Truth is a Way of Life, not something you visit from time to time"
Together, may we build a World where Joy, Light, Love and Compassion resonate and vibrate and is the only reality for All to experience!
Our Web Site www.ArchOfLightCenter.com provides detail information about our available services, philosophy and current schedule of Classes and Workshops.
We are always happy to respond to email or phone inquiries and enjoy personal live connection.
In Loving Service always, Jayde Lucia Piot
(310) 393-9747