Janus Moncur - The Co-Creative Coach™ - is a Certified Professional Coach, CEO and Founder of Co-Creative Coaching, LLC, Creator/Owner of LovePetz.com and Author of "Rusty -n- Nikki: Doggie Lessons in Life and Love". She teaches how to overcome fears, conquer challenges and navigate transitions on the ride toward re-creating one’s personal and professional success. Janus specializes in helping aspiring entrepreneurs, as well as those involved in career and life transition, in a playful, non-threatening format with her horsey-sense stories and pet parables. For more information or a free sample consultation session, please feel free to connect with Janus at http://www.theco-creativecoach.com
Janus Moncur
Writer/Certified Professional Coach/Animal Advocate
The Co-Creative Coach™
Office: 561-404-9070
Toll Free: 877-222-4955
Fax: 561-431-6905