Irene Darko Asante(Mrs) is married with three children. She is also a bank official at Barclays Bank of Ghana Ltd. as a Sales Manager and currently undergoing an MBA Programe at University Of SouthCentral Los Angeles in tghe USA.
Irene has just started her first online business though she has been promoting products on good health.
As a working mother, she have grown to understand that one needs to be in good health to be able to offer your best to the world. She has been giving talks on healthy Living to groups and individuals and recomending products and services that goes a long way to enhance the general and specific well being of the humand body.
Sound fincncial situation is also part of healthy living. As a bank official Irene has been able to use her professional experience help individuals and SME improve their finanacial sitation.
Irene is also excellent in marketing and online marketing as well and hopes to help lots of people improve their lives through genuine online business.
Irene is a christian who belives in having a personal relationship with God Through Jesus Christ. Giving quotes and exortations to make people God's friends is what brings the greatest fulfilment to Irene. In her first publication, "La condition Humain" (The Human Condition), an appreciation of 'Le jeun homme the Sable, by William Sassine, Irene brought out the fact that if the clouds should come crushing down, nobody can save anyone; that is the Human Condition- if you can't save yourself, how can you save another person? Thus theonly one we can all rely on is our maker, The Lord God Almighty.
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Ponder anew what the Almighty can do for you if with His love He befriends you.
If you dont love and take care of your body, on one will do it for you.
A really strong person is one who is strong physically,financially and stays in touch with God always
Who are you when no one is watching.
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