Right after the first encounter I plunged in the pool of possibilities to learn more about specialized kinesiology and many of its differentations.
My initial explorations were Touch for Health (TfH), Edukinesiology, Three in One Concepts, Applied Physiology and Blueprints. After a while they all seemed to be a different variation on a theme. And then the time was there to go and invent my own.
Now many years later I feel rather comfortable muscle testing and helping people who want to get Touched (TfH) by me. My clientele is now growing to five clients per week in the evening. Maybe someday soon it will be my mainstream source of income. Until then it is OK for now.
Stress Management in Dialogue with the Body
Many years ago I underwent my
first experience with Muscle Testing. It made such an impression that
it became the blueprint for the work I ultimatily would like to do
untill my life on this planet has been served out.
I've learned muscle testing is reading the body mind spirit in terms of communicating with the other-then-conscious.
It took me a while before I was trusting my testing the way I do now. I
guess that really is the case with most of us. It is like learning to
do something (f.i. riding a bike, walking) The big breakthrough was when I saw the light in terms of "Trust what you muscle test and go from there".
I've learned to work with what the other-than-conscious wants me to work on,
to bring into the flow. That is why Orthokin.nl is short for Ortho
Kinesiology The Netherlands. Ortho means to do the right thing ... and
that is to work on that what the other-than-conscious is holding it
back. You can also find me at hsalomons.com.
I've learned that there is no communication without hypnosis.
There always is some kind of trance. If you're not in it, you just as
easy slip into it and vice versa. Therefore my work with people on the
massagetable is loaded with NLP methods. At least I recognize it being
that way. It does not mean I do NLP sec.
Other techniques I use for balancing the energy is to use bodywork (massage and acupressure).
are those who ask, "Who you can serve best?", "What problems do I need to have to come to you?". I say, as long I can muscle
test you I can mean something for you. S/he is without problems has yet
to be born. I try to motivate people to do at least three sessions. After which the person has enough motivation to stop or to return for maintenance. I - yet - have to find a group of people who are willing to learn what I have understood!
What gives me the creeps? - All those video that - how well intended - show how to perform muscle testing. Those who say "muscle testing IS applied kinesiology". They give me the creeps, because they shows a sense of authority about something they vagely think to understand and shed bad light on this thing that is pure: muscle testing. They show techniques that I would not dare to show, because it gives sceptics the valid reason to believe what they believe.
Huib Salomons, Practitioner Specialized Kinesiology - Apeldoorn, The Netherlands