Welcome! It is a pleasure to be a part of SelfGrowth.com and grasp the
opportunity to fully present all the tools and help I can offer you in
improving your web traffic.
I have been designing web sites
professionally in Santa Fe, New Mexico since 1998. Like most freelance web designers I was initially
quite ignorant of SEO (search engine optimization). I have to admit
that the whole idea of marketing was a turn-off. I considered myself a
designer and focused on the look of a site more than, sadly, it's
ultimate effectiveness. To be fair to myself, I did make it clear to my
clients that I was building them a brochure style site that needed to
be marketed directly by them.
Serendipitously, I was hired to build a site in 2003 for Louise Roach of Clean Air Systems
in Santa Fe, NM. She knew she wanted a site that would rank well in
search engines and she spent many months studying how to make that
happen. I implemented everything she suggested and we were both totally
inspired by the results. I caught the bug of web marketing.
My clients work for themselves. Most of their competitors also work for themselves, and you can bet that most of them are not
savvy about web marketing. This means that it doesn't take much to get
good ranking in search results. This is a fruitful moment for
freelancers who can embrace web marketing. Acting now can establish an
online presence that will endure when everybody else catches on!
offer services that are feasible for my niche market, which is the
self-employed. With this in mind, I offer lots of little components of
web coaching and services, to line up with the usual constraints of
time and/or money. Read the testimonials on my site to see how well these techniques are working.
Freelancers and the creatively self-employed are tired of having web sites that do nothing for their business. This is because the simple steps to make their web sites and blogs search-friendly have not been taught to them or their web designers. Most freelancers are competing with other freelancers who are equally uninformed, so a little knowledge can go a long way. Even if the competition is savvy, freelancers really only need to carefully define their niche and their product to find the keywords that will connect to the searchers that need that product. Keyword Coaching is an easy, affordable way to get there.
The easiest way to get started is to watch my free keyword video tutorials. Thousands of people have watched them and I get lots of great comments. I also have a book you can download for $15: The Keyword Tutorial Ebook. This book is the result of years of testing with my clients and is distilled down to the basics of keyword research and implementation. Only 28 pages long, there are worksheets in the back which you can fill out and give to your web designer to have a site that searchers can find! If you want more personalized help, please visit my keyword coach website or contact me at hope@keyword-coach.com.