H. Court Young is an author, speaker, publisher and geologist. He is President of Trans Mountain Consulting Co. and a partner in BurgYoung Publishing LLC. His mission is to promote awareness through the written word.
H. Court Young has published several books, eBooks and DVDs, as well as, numerous articles. He writes and speaks on subjects which include water use, water rights, mining, mining history, oil, energy and the threat of terrorism especially with respect to our water supply infrastructure.
Mr. Young has been rated as an EXPERT in the Book Reviews Topic Category of the Self Growth website. He has a passion for writing and publishing and encourages others to "leave a piece of themselves for future generations" by writing, blogging and journaling.
His latest book entitled The Orphan Boy, A Love Affair with Mining tells the story of his father reopening a small mine in the central Colorado Rocky Mountains after World War II. It is a story of one of the greatest generation who came back from war to help make America the world power it is today.
Social media is all the rage on the internet today. Secrets to Building a Profitable Business Using Twitter and Ning is an eBook in PDF format that explains in simple, straightforward language how to take advantage of this new marketing and selling tool. This information packed eBook will help you connect with a global audience using two free social websites, Twitter and Ning. You can implement these secrets, regardless of your existing marketing strategy. Secrets to Building a Profitable Business Using Twitter and Ning is a bargain at the low discount price of $5.
As you probably realize the world is going through some major changes. Oil, energy and food prices are all spiraling out of control. Court has compiled his research into an eBook entitled World Collapse or New Eden? Your World in 2011. This informative eBook gives you a look at the year 2011 through the predictions of experts in the fields of energy, water, banking, transportation, education, commerce and public health. This glimpse about your world in 2011 is a fascinating look at a future that is imminent. Get your copy today by visiting http://www.hcourtyoung.com/HCY_Predictions2011_ebook.htm.
The Art of Writing an eBook, How to Use Your Experience and Knowledge to Enrich Yourself & Others is a one of a kind resource that guides you through the same process that Court used in writing the award winning Orphan Boy book about his dad's love affair with mining. It is an invaluable reference for anyone who writes or would like to write an eBook or book. Using this eBook, you can join an elite group of people who become published authors and share your experiences and specialized knowledge with others.
Mr. Young received his geology degree from University of Arizona and is also certified and operationally trained in Hazmat. Mr. Young belongs to the Association of Mining History, The Colorado Mining Association, Colorado Independent Publisher’s Association, American Solar Association and the Infraguard - Colorado Chapter. He is also an elected board member of the Lookout Mountain Water District, located west of Denver, Colorado.
H. Court Young co-founded BurgYoung Publishing in 2002. In addition to being an author, Court oversees the publishing and coordination of the production of books and DVDs, sales and marketing. Along with his partner and co-founder, Diana Burg, author of Getting to Know God, Beginning the Journey, (her story of recovering from the ravages of alcohol & drug addiction), established BurgYoung Publishing, LLC to publish "Books that Impact Lives."
Member of Mining History Association
Board Member, Lookout Mountain Water District
"Why is something that impacts so many lives often so lonely." - H. Court Young on writing.
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas Edison
"Do you believe every person on earth was born with a dream for his or her life?" - Bruce Wilkinson, from The Dream Giver
"May your heart sing and your life explode with the joys of living in the fullness that lies potentially before you." - Bruce Wilkinson, from Beyond Jabez
"Ask yourself what legacy you would like to leave for your children and grandchildren." - Bruce Wilkinson, from The Dream Giver
"Water flows toward money." - General saying about water by water engineers & attorneys
"H. Court Young has an unusual understanding of our water system and the threat that terrorism poses to our society in that area. He does an excellent job of explaining that threat to the average reader and gives a good view of how our national water system works." - Writer's Digest Review - Understanding Water and Terrorism, Being Prepared - How to Protect Yourself, Your Family and Your Business.
"This book is directed to a general audience, but should be particularly useful for nonprofessionals involved with water management including mayors and water board members, teachers, journalists, and concerned citizens. The book compliments but does not substitute for the training materials prepared for water system managers, police departments, and first responders, and other water managers and security personnel." - Journal of the American Water Resources Association - Understanding Water and Terrorism, Being Prepared - How to Protect Yourself, Your Family and Your Business.
My mission is to Promote awareness through the written word
Visit http://www.hcourtyoung.com
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H. Court Young
Trans Mountain Consulting Co.,123 Paradise Rd., Golden, CO 80401
BurgYoung Publishing LLC, 4105 E. Florida Avenue #300, Denver, CO 80222
Phone: Cell: (303) 726-8320
Direct Line: (303) 526-0211
Fax: (303) 526-7841