Work Details: Advising new "know hows",and advanced techniques in strategical teaching (lecturing) skills of Education.Simply, he works at his home in Kusadasi Bay,Guzelcamli.Turkey.
His link/connection with the rest of the world is via; PC,and lap-tops.
He is a retired instructer/lecturer,and "Independent(free lance)Education Management Professional".
His detailed profile info in his site,HOPLA Dedegi is:
My name is Hasan Sabri Kayaoglu-Aka Dedegi . I’m a retired instructer/lecturer. Married ,and have two sons.
My elder son-a diplomat- is married-with a diplomat,have brought a daughter ,and a granddaughter, ‘ LARA ’ to us . Finally and hopefully , they are expecting another baby,a boy in December 2009 .Meaning,I’m going to have a grandson .(My grandson is borned-see ARDA please)
My junior son is in USA , Virginia University,writing continiously to complete his dissertation to get his doctorate degree.
I’m living in a small sea-side town-with my beloving wife,retired as government emloyee- called Guzelcamli (Meaning;Beautiful Pine) located at West-Coast of Turkey, Kusadasi Bay, in Aegean Sea, East of The Meditteranian…So-to-say,Guzelcamli is a picturesque from ‘Heaven’.
Me, The Dedegi : Reads, researches , an internet patient.Likes sharing, simplicity,humility, and WRITING-IF he KNOWS the SUBJECT .
Description of Dedegi
Why I use “Dedegi” name as a title on my Web activities?
Let me explain.When my first grandchild LARA started to talk she done her best to call me “Dear Grandpa”, which is “Dedeciğim” in Turkish.
Dede is grandpa.But adding the suffix “ciğim” (Dear) was a real trouble for a year old child to pronounce.
So she called me “Dedegi” instead of “Dedeciğim” with a very funny but awesome accent,which I loved very much.
Immediately after,I started using ”Dedegi” (name created by LARA) as a title in all my web activities.
Short after people started calling me ”Dedegi” as my name .
My first blog dedicated to LARA was built as; ” Dedegi Com “ is still running.
By the way,this blog “HOPLA Dedegi” (Hopla is ‘Hopping, Jump’ in English) youre reading at the moment, is dedicated to my grandson ARDA…
Life is "Respectfull" for those who care,and solve,but a "Disgrace" for those
who pay no attention to the needs/rights of others~Yasam; ilgilenen ve cozenler
(cozum olusturanlar) icin "Saygin",ancak baskalarinin ihtiyac/haklarina ilgi
gostermeyen/aldirmayanlar(tanimayanlar) icin ise bir "Utanctir".
Hasan Sabri Kayaoglu
“Words are the most important tools in the path to goal.
So, be carefull not to become a slave of your misused words.
Instead, always prefer to be their master by not using them.” Hasan Sabri Kayaoglu
The best way to get started with Hasan Sabri Kayaoglu is to visit his site HOPLA Dedegi Com