Hello: My name is Guy Dusseault. Our son Billy died on June 26 2004, four days before his 29th birthday. I have created this page for those who have loss a loved one and for those who would like to learn what someone goes through after a loss.
We have a website in honor of our son Billy www.oursonbilly.com which anyone may visit read our story of dealing with the events of what we went through the day of Billy's death and months after our loss and of our recovery.
Our website also talks about connecting with our son Billy on the " otherside " or heaven with spirit messenger Vicki Monroe. Our recovery, mostly my recovery is tied in with being able to contact our son Billy. Our website also deals with one other amazing event which began about 10 months after Billy crossed over to heaven, that is we have been able and continue to recieve signs from Billy and others who have crossed over to heaven through photographs. We have over the passed 3 years collected over 30,000 spiritual photographs. A few of the types of photographs are of the moon, street lights, christmas tree lights in the shape of hearts, spirit essence, orbs of different sizes and color, streaking lights and angel light.
I would like to welcome anyone who has dealt with the loss of a loved one, which is everyone whether family or friend to our new facebook group page - Sign's from our loved ones. A place to share about your loss and to share the countless different ways that our loved ones can and do send us a sign or message fro heaven. Your welcome to visit and if you like to join our group. Here is our link. http://www.facebook.com/groups/223805824358789/
With all the the Heart shaped photographs that we have been able to recieve from Billy with different types of cameras, they remind me of the most important thing that we have and the only thing that really matters.
LOVE- is the greatest, most powerful and precious gift that we can give to everyone.
LOVE - Is how we treat one another, and how we treat one another is the direction of our future. We can change our future by how we treat one another.
LOVE - is everything and nothing else matters.