Hi, my name is Gudbjorg Osk, I am Awareness coach and a Therapist, Heale, Yoga teacher and Public Speaker.
I love to help people transform their lives with my inspiring and educational therapy, Learn to Love yourself, in private sessions or as a workshop for groups. Its a combination of wisdom, projects, education and healing.
I started my journey to wellness, happiness and love by healing myself from several physical problems which made me incapacitated. From stressed out, worrying, negative and irritated person believing I had to put an effort to achive all things I found out how to manage my life with Love, care, grace and joy. I dont feel bad anymore, I am never frustrated in physical pain or worrying, and if I feel fear I know I am about to do something new and the fear is automatic responce which I nurture with care and transform into power.
Going throuh my journey I realized profound love inside of me and compassion for others people wellfaire. So I started my education to be able to teach people how to fall in love with this wonderful life.
I offer different approaches to practice self-love, become Happy, Healthy and Prosperous.
My Awareness coaching - Learn to Love Yourself is a teachings and guidence personlaized for you. Is my unique Therapy I developed after decade of studies, my personal journey and working with people. I educate you on how to love yourself which is the most important learning and practice you will ever do in your life.
I have helped thousends of people from all walks of life and I work on Skype with people everywhere on this planet.
Remote Energy Healing. Private Healing or join my group healing every Tuesday night at 22:30 GMT.
Happy Yoga is a combination of Yoga-Asanas with resistant streatching making it a more complete workout which I do with laughter and endless informations about the body functions, which makes it a therapeutic Yoga as well. I do private sessions on Skype.
Motivational speaking for groups and companies. Also awailable on Skype.
Many companies use this approach instead of life performance.
And now you can have all this together in a private Retreat in Bali Indonesia. Where you get axess to all my teachings, healing, coaching and joy. It is a unique way to start a new life filled with love passion and grace. In a spiritual atmosphere, wonderful nature and helathy food.
For more information visit my page www.osk.is or simply get in touch and send me an email at osk@osk.is
I would love to see you on my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/gudosk
Until I see you, Create a great day with love !
I believe we are all born with special elements, abtitudes, wisdom and abilities we are supposed to master in this lifetime. As we figure out this divine gifts and realize how to use them it´ll makes each individual become a unique sourch to the development of humanity. As soon as we understand our purpose our endless search for a meaning and fulfillment proceed into a life of Bliss and Euphoria. When we focus on loving ourselves we become better lovers toward other, weather in parenting, relationships or just as a creature on this planet earth. By coming from love we cant thrive in a negative or destructive environment. We radiate lovingly, peacefully, divinity and with grace.
In our upbringing we dont love how to love ourselves, in our educational system there is absolutelly no teachings about how to love you it is more on the contrary.
That is why so many of us start the journey to spirituality and self growth in our early forties or late thirties.
We are so occupied in going about in life, getting ; education, partner, children, house and all the the lifes duties taht we are merely on autopilot.
But as we grasp the truth about Happiness is a spiritual state not a material one, as we feel that it must be something more to this life. The Divine journey beginnes.
Achiving duable Happiness as a way of being is a skil, Loving yourself unconditionally is a lifelong practice. You can start now.
It doesnt matter how horrible you feel your story is, how old you are or were you are in the walk of like this is the greates education you get in your life.
I belive we where born to develope in our life to finally get to the state of enlightenment. In each lifetime we are given special Purpose which we are supposed to give to the world, for the human wellfear.
I would love to hear from your or answer your questions. Pleace send me an email at osk@osk.is
I am quite active on Facebook leading a empowering page https://www.facebook.com/gudosk
and of course you can leave me a message there.