Gordon Hurd is a successful Christian prosperity expert, goal setting guide, business coach and solution provider.
His favourite catch phrase is "show me the challenge and I will provide you with the solution".
Gordon has helped Christians from around the world to "think differently", set clear goals and take back their God-given right to wealth.
Gordon's strength lies in his own personal experience of triumph over hardship and poverty.
After committing himself to Christianity for over 20 years and practising giving in all forms - tithes, first fruits, sacrificial, prophetic - Gordon discovered that there was no change in his life and circumstances and that he was just like any ordinary man on the street. He was saddled with bills, debtors chased him, he lost his business and his health began to falter.
He decided one day that enough was enough!
Once that decision was made, Gordon armed himself with four versions of the Bible and 230 personal development books, hid himself for two years and studied.
When he emerged from hibernation, he was a changed man. He began to understand that his poverty was linked to the doctrines he had received from so-called "experts" in and out of the church.
Since then, Gordon has written Christian Prosperity Secrets which is a wake up call to Christians and non-Christians all over the world to "arise and shine".
If you are facing a hard time making ends meet; if bills are stacking up and there seems to be no way out; if creditors are dragging you to court; if your house is about to be foreclosed or has already been taken; if you are sick of working long, hard hours in the factory or board room; if you are highly qualified but have settled for a menial position in a dead end job ; if it seems as though Christianity has failed you or it appears you have waited too long for God to make a change in your life; if you have fasted, prayed, spoken in tongues, attended crusades, used the anointing oil, got anointed men of God to lay hands on you, taken long retreats, gone for deliverance; and nothing seems to change; then I have good news for you. You do not have to take poverty and failure for another day! Enough is enough!
Gordon has made an important discovery and received an important revelation that he would like to share with you. If you are really serious about changing your life for good and being in a position to attract wealth and live out your dreams, then the wait is over.
Contact Gordon today.
"The greatest achievement was first and for a time a dream"
(James Allen: As A Man Thinketh)
"Remember thy God for it is He that giveth thee power to create wealth".
(Deuteronomy 8:18: Holy Bible)
"As effort and hard work become less, success becomes more. As you move toward effortlessness, success moves towards infinity".
Fred Gratzon: The Lazy Way to Success)
"At first, lofty dreams seem like madness".
(Napoleon Hill: Think and Grow Rich)
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude".
(Thomas Jefferson)
"Man is a magnet and every line and dot and detail of his experiences come by his own attraction".
(Elisabeth Towne: The Life Power and How to Use It)
"People that have no goals work for those who do".
(Jack Canfield: The Success Principles)
Get started with my coaching program today. Visit my personal website www.gordonhurd.net
Gordon Hurd
Email: gordon@christianprosperitysecrets.com
Mobile: +44 745 021 2078