Diploma in Psychology an "Universität Koblenz-Landau"; 1993
Training in Familiy Therapy at "Institut für Familientherapie Weinheim", 1993-1998
Training in Behaviour Therapy at "Institut für klinische Verhaltenstherapie Bad Dürkheim"
- and "Gesellschaft für Ausbildung in Psychotherapie", 1998-1999
Licenced Psychotherapist ("Psychologischer Psychotherapeut") by German Law, 1999
Training in Emotional Freedom Techniques by Dr. Rudolf Kaufmann (EFT Netzwerk International) and Gary Craig 2001-2005
EmoTrance - Advanced - Trainer 2005
EFT-Therapist and EFT-Trainer licenced by the "Fachverband der EFT-Trainer und - Anwender, EFT D.A.CH.) since 2005
Basic Training in Clinical Hypnosis at the "Zentrum für Angewandte Hypnose, Mainz, Germany) 2005 & 2006
Basic Training in Advanced Integrativ Therapy (AIT), by Asha Clinton, PhD; 2005 & 2006
EFT-Lehrtrainer (training Trainers) at "Fachverband der EFT-Trainer und -Anwender, EFT D.A.CH.); 2011
It is never to late to start healing my injuries.
If you want, what you never had, then do, what you never did. (N. Peseschkian)
Just contact me via email (praxis@geraldstiehler.de) or call me +49 6151 14267
You'll finde me at facebook: http://www.facebook.com/geraldstiehler
Gerald Stiehler, Rheinstraße 50, Praxis am Bach, D-64367 Mühltal, Germany
phone +49 6151 14267