Geoff Brandenburg is the founder of Doing Your Work - the Pathway of the Whole Person. It is a Life Coaching Program dedicated to emotional healing, recovery and literacy through learning the emotional skills that allow us to take full responsibility for our lives. In Doing Your Work we learn to journey inward to bring empathy, love and healing to the wounded and incomplete places within us, just as we learn to journey outward in learning how to lovingly confront dysfunction in our lives and grow healthy relationships.
The core program consists of integrative breathwork practices, Reparenting skills, boundary recovery experiences, and learning to communicate ourselves successfully by becoming emotionally literate through a deeper comprehension and acceptance of all of our emotions.
Geoff has been working with clients since 1990 when he completed his certification in Integrative Breathwork, which was based on healing our emotions, hearts and relationships so we can create a truly successful life. Using those holistic healing skills, Geoff has created his own Life Coaching program, and has guided hundreds of individuals and couples into successful life transitions and emotional growth.