Ed Howes is an end time prophet and social critic who only discovered this
fact in 2003. Born in 1946, he is among the first of the baby boomers to
discover there is no changing the system from within the system. The change takes place within the self. Not the self others have created but the one buried deep inside us by the time we start school.
He exhorts and counsels all with ears to hear to prepare for the impending
hard times such as never occurred before on Earth and provides practical
suggestions for that preparation. He sees writing on the wall most see only
as graffiti. He knows grassroots master mind alliances are necessary to
drive the spiritual shift in progress and is the best way to save lives. He
has just begun the networking to create these alliances and invites all to
pool talents, resources and efforts.
He knows all this is happening without his lifting a finger but desires to
speed things up to cut losses. Think it over, leave a comment on an essay or send an Email. He believes two - way, multi - way communication and personal communion is critical to mission. All of his essays are intended to bless the readers first, then others.