Dr. Deepak Dogra http://www.drdeepakdogra.com is a management professional, having blend of industry and academia with experience in transforming businesses through application of mature business practices. He draws around twenty years of experience in multinational and Indian companies pursuing the tenets of continuous improvement and leadership skills including: Knowledge Management, Organizational Development, Strategic Management, Cross-cultural Management and Evangelism.
Dr. Dogra did his Ph.D in Business Management from the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. He is founder Editor-in-Chief of Fortune Journal of International Management and founder Editor of International Journal on Diversity Management.
Dr. Dogra has authored nine books and published research papers in various international and national journals. He has presented papers in countries like Germany, France and Singapore. He is also a professional member of various national and international organizations namely Institute of Executive Development, USA, founder member IC Centre for Governance, New Delhi, founder executive member Indian Institute of Public Administration, Gurgaon, National Productivity Council, India, Management System Society etc. He was Convener of ‘IMPACT-2000: International Convention on Technology and Management Solutions for the New Millennium’, New Delhi, Convener ‘National Knowledge Management Conference’, New Delhi during the year 2002 and Convener ‘National Conference on ‘Management Education Ahead: Creative and Innovative Perspective’, New Delhi during the year 2005.
In addition to consultancy for the public as well as private companies, as Member of Siemens Global Knowledge Management Council he was responsible for strategizing Community of Practice (CoP) for Asia-Pacific Region.
Dr. Dogra was member Senate of Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. He was awarded ‘Outstanding Award for the Year 1999-2000’ by the Indian Institute Technology Delhi and International Rotary Club Gurgaon during the year 2003.
Dr. Deepak Dogra