David is a Psychic/Medium & a published author. He is host of his own weekly radio show "Beyond The Gate Radio".
About David:
David's information is below and he is also the Host/Producer of "Beyond The Gate Radio":
Throughout my life, I have had recurrent paranormal experiences. I was born with above average precognitive abilities. I am Psychic and when I open up my clairvoyant channels and focus on a person, usually one of my clients, I can see into a person's energy which also opens their Akashic Records thus making it possible for me to access information about their past, present and possible future. I am also a Medium. All mediums are psychic, yet not all psychics are mediums. Being a medium is a rare gift. A medium is able to raise their vibrations and tune into the spirit world, sort of like a radio. When we reach the right frequency, we are able to contact and communicate with the spirits of Deceased Loved Ones (DLO's). I can see and contact Ghosts and Spirits of humans and animals that have died a physcial death and crossed over to the spirit world. A ghost is merely the soul of a dead person or animal who is here by choice, or stuck in the astral plane and not transitioned to Heaven, or as some call it, Summerland. More is explained about this process in my book, "The Spirit Garden, A Medium's Journey." Book Link on Amazon:
When a spirit comes through during a reading, I pass messages from them. Usually the messages are of love, healing and sometimes of forgiveness. The readings also are comforting because they provide proof of life after death.
While growing up, I never had the benefit of exposure to any extent of family members, friends, or anyone knowledgeable about psychics, mediums, or the sixth sense, although my mother believed in the existence of ghosts. Despite my lack of exposure, I just knew that I had these abilities and thought that others did too. For instance, when I was a small boy, I saw shadow people and had visions. I would also fly in my dreams - this is termed 'Astral Travel' today. And I knew things before they happened. In addition, I would have encounters with divine beings, such as when I was about nine years old, and four angels appeared to me and helped me out of a predicament. I often kept my experiences to myself, because whenever I told someone they would laugh and think I was crazy, or that there was something severly wrong with me. So I would eventually shut down my abilities. Growing up then with these abilities was strange, but not so today as it is mainstream and more acceptable. Additionally, people are now more open minded to this subject; especially with so many psychically gifted children being born now and in the last decade. In my twenties, I began having more encounters with the supernatural, wanted to uncover additional information, and bought books on extrasensory perception (ESP), as it was known as in those days, and trying to get answers to what I was experiencing. I was never on drugs; these experiences were tangible and perspicuous. I was on the threshold of understanding the esoteric arts and the use of my inherent precognitive abilities. Eventually I moved away from my abilities once again and lost touch until I was in my forties. In between, though, they were still present as my psychic senses remained strong. The return to my true calling was inevitable.
Since then, I have grown from neophyte, to professional through much research, practice, and training. The first thing I had to learn to do was meditate. Eventually I took development classes and courses. I eventually got certified first as a medium. Then (later) under the training of the famous "Angel Lady", Dr. Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., I became a Certified ATP ® , [ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONEER ® ]. I loved her so much that I went back through her (Hard to get into) Mediumship Course, and became (once again) a certified medium through her. Now I am listed on her website as an ATP ® , and a Certified Medium. If you wish to see my listing there, or learn more, go to her website: www.angeltherapy.com
Since then I have continued to do many readings.
I have and use Clairvoyance (clear sight with the psychic third eye), Claircognizance (clear knowing - like an instant telepathic transfer of information to my brain), and at times Clairaudience (clear hearing with the psychic ear). I am also capable of Clairsentience (clear sensing - knowing when a spirit or ghost is present and how they are feeling, or what they want me to feel), Clairgustance also known as Clairalience (psychic smell), and Clairhambience, (psychic taste). I use these abilities as tools to communicate with the spirit realm. I have also learned how to work with my ascended master guides, inner circle of spirit guides, and angels. This has led me along the path of self-awareness and enlightenment. A pepetual process, it moves beyond my self-actualization and continues until my mission here on Earth is complete. Looking back, I find it amusing that there was a time in my life when I did not believe in ghosts, psychics, or mediums. Now I not only accept my abilities but I embrace them as well because they helped me learn and helped others heal and find closure, giving them to some degree, peace of mind, and the knowledge that life goes on after death, albeit on the other side. I find this very comforting and fulfilling.
I am currently married to my soulmate and love of my life, Cheryll. I am a full time Deputy Sheriff in California, and part time Psychic, Medium, Teacher, Lecturer, Published Author and Writer. I teach psychic development and mediumship. I lecture and write about the same, as this new life is now my passion. Therefore, I can't wait to retire from the sheriff's department to persue my passion full time.
I have a website: www.DavidBakerSpiritMedium.com and one of my emails are: thespiritgarden@comcast.net If you contact me, be sure to preface this website: Self Growth as to where you found my information. I have a great book published by: 1stworldpublishing, Inc: http://www.1stworldpublishing.com/Store/product.aspx?ukey=0aff721b-464e-4068-9411-630995b8e760 The book is called "The Spirit Garden, A Medium's Journey". Click here to view or order from Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1421899450?tag=davbakspimed-20&camp=14573&creative=327641&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=1421899450&adid=0D3TSATMR9TX1TGBXCNQ&
The story of my life, happiness, depression, homelessness, failures, near suicide, spiritual awakening, miracles, re-discovering and using my gifts, and eventual success. I won't spoil my story if you have not read my book yet. The publishers have said that my book has " A lot of juice" and that it is "a touching and inspiring story".
Thank you for reading my bio.
May God bless you, the angels lovingly embrace you, and you stay in the love, the light, and the hope for world peace.
Angel Hugs,
David Baker
Spirit Medium
Author of the Month. My publisher has just interviewed me for Author of the Month for April, 2008. I will be in their newsletter on the front. This newsletter is in E-newsletter format. To request a copy either email me and I will forward one to you: thespiritgarden@comcast.net or visit their website: www.1stworldpublishing.com Also, new authors, want the best resource in the country for publishing your new book? Please visit my publishers website above for more information. They are the best! So are their prices. They save trees to as they are print on demand!
I wrote an article for American Chronicle about my friends the world famous "The Psychic Twins", Terry & Linda Jamison. "Psychic Twins, Oracles of the 21st Century" http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/view/244013
I was written about in the American Chronilce By Radio Host Wendy Garrett in this article: http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/view/76808
I am a regular guest on PSI-FI Radio. For more information please go to:
Press Kit:
My book "The Spirit Garden, A Medium's Journey", A direct link from Amazon.com at:
My book on Amazon Kindle:
It is also available world-wide from most booksellers including Barnes & Nobel, Borders, Target, and many, many more. If you like to buy directly from the book store and they do not have it, on my website Bio. page, I have all the information, ISBN numbers and publisher information, etc.
It is available in Hard Cover, Soft Cover and E-book.
Publisher: www.1stworldpublishing.com
My book link at 1st World Publishing: http://www.1stworldpublishing.com/Store/product.aspx?ukey=0aff721b-464e-4068-9411-630995b8e760
Love, Light & Blessings!
David Baker
Face Book: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profile.php?id=1523680714
My Face Book Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Psychic-Medium-David-M-Baker/113952348622192
My Face Book "Beyond The Gate Radio" show page:
My Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/Medium3DavidB
Email: thespiritgarden@comcast.net (Business/Media/Readings/Contact)
For Additional Information, visit my Website: http://www.davidbakerspiritmedium.com/index.html