I teach people to be the parents they wish they'd had.
Cristofir K. Aven is a Certified Family Coach, Certified Energy Coach, Certified Human Design Specialist and has the Certificate of Completion and Advanced Certificate of Completion in EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). Her background includes a Bachelor's Degree in Human Relations and Organizational Behavior. She has extensive experience coaching individuals and families, offering workable tools and solutions to improve their lives and relationships. She is the author to two self-help books for office workers, plus "EFT Playbook for Parents" available below as a free eBook. Cristofir is an accomplished artist in multiple media and has shown her art locally and in New York. She is a Huna Practitioner. And just for FUN--She is a Laughter Leader!
(I wish I knew where this quote came from so I could credit the author.)
Habits of Highly Happy People
-Write to the President and tell him your problems.
-Give the person you're having a problem with a hug.
-Use a stick to pound pillows to release anger.
-Let a balloon whiz around the room.
-Blow bubbles.
-Take a brisk walk like Monty Python.
-Yell, scream, rant, rave, sing loudly.
-Color or paint.
-Give unexpected gifts.
-Put on your Mary Englebreit baseball cap that says, "Knock it off!"
And my own addition--laugh, ask for what you need, share and be kind. In my coaching and teaching, I inject a bit of humor and compassion. Yes, you may be hurting physically, financially, emotionally, but there are tools to help you through the rough spots and there is a rainbow in there somewhere.
I frequently offer free teleclasses to introduce EFT and the Empowering Your Family Using EFT class series. Please visit http://www.schoolmademucheasier.com to see my current class schedule.
I offer a free 15 minute phone consultation. This gives us a chance to see if we're a match. My office hours are M-F 10A-4P Pacific Time.
My phone number is 510-278-4941
Cristofir K. Aven, CFC; CEC; HDS; BA; EFT-CC; EFT-ADV
Mailing address: 659 Morva Court Hayward CA 94541
Phone: 510-278-4941
Email: cristofirkaven@eftfamilycoach.com