Cris Baker is an authority on overcoming self sabotage, he's been screwing things up for years! :-) Much exposure to the fruits of bad choices has made Cris an expert in handling the stress which inevitably follows. Remaining sane meant he was forced to develop a highly effective experiential process to overcome the stress caused by any screwup.
His highly successful computer performance company was followed by in the early 1990's when he realized that many of the same performance strategies used so successfully on computers are actually derived from real people! Life Strategies explains how to apply Life's fundamental principles to become more effective, avoid self-sabotage, and live the life you'd really love to live instead.
Much later, he founded which implements the lessons applied in Life Strategies to the highly practical subject of reducing stress.
Brief bio: Born in England at a very early age and now based in Gibraltar, Cris developed Life Strategies in North America last century. He enjoys public speaking, writing, helping people...
Many years ago, he decided that personal growth was important, and so would attend at least one such event a year. Most years, he has been to many more than one. Yet his life seems to have had many more failures than successes. He now shares his vast experience of how to overcome failure with those who would rather delegate than fail themselves. Clients thus avoid suffering failure's invariably uncomfortable consequences.
Cris personally knows the enormous truth in that brilliant paraphrase from Winston Churchill:
"The only thing man learns from history is that man does not learn from history."
The book Self-Sabotage? What it is, Why we do it, When we do it, How to Overcome It! is now published and available at Amazon -