Claudia N. Johnson, BFA, CMT, MNLP, HTP, RMT (612) 597-5682
Claudia’s path grows from a passion to heal, as a naturally gifted medium and spiritual healer. As a professional dancer, she felt compelled to offer healing to other dancers in pain when she discovered she was feeling their injuries in her own body. As they healed, her pain also dissolved, and she would receive messages for them from Angels, Spirit Guides, Spirit Doctors, ancestors, and pets.
Private sessions include: Psychic Mediumship, Energy Healing from the schools of: Reiki, Healing Touch, and the Healing Light Center Church, Custom Guided Meditations created for your empowerment, evolvement, and desired changes, Spiritual Life Coaching Sessions where you are guided to unfold your own unique gifts, Wellness Coaching where you receive personalized exercises for your: body, mind, emotions, and spirit.
Claudia’s certifications: Reiki Master Teacher III, Healing Touch Practitioner, Master Hypnotherapist, NLP Master Practitioner, and Spiritual Medium. She has over 20 years experience as a holistic practitioner. She is a member of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals and Healing Touch International, International Association of Reiki Professionals and Spiritualists National Union International.
She has been a guest instructor at the Center for Spirituality and Healing at the University of MN and at Ridgewater College. Claudia has been a volunteer provider of energy healing and yoga at PATHWAYS in Minneapolis for 5 years. HEAC Workshops: REIKI I, II, and III, Touch Healing for Caregivers, Energetic Divorce, and more.
Claudia’s training is international and includes some of the most distinguished healers and mediums in the world: The Reverend Rosalyn Bruyere, Carolyn Myss, Janet Mentgen; Laura Day, James Van Praagh, Matthew Smith, Eileen Davies, and John Grinder, co-creator of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
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"A strong, positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug."
Patricia Neal
What I do and Where:
I practice at my home office listed below, online through Skype, by phone, at Holistic Fairs, and do out-calls and small group sessions.I offer private sessions, products, classes, and speak at Holistic Fairs and for groups.
My mission is to offer each client services, products, classes and exercises to achieve their goals to manage their emotions, be free of fear and pain, grow personally and spiritually, and be more hopeful and joyful. I empower clients to manage for their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health with exercises they can do to live the best version of their lives.
Private Sessions include:
*Energy healing from the schools of: Reiki, Healing Touch, and the Healing Light Center Church.
*Custom Guided Hypnosis Sessions for empowerment, change, and Spiritual Growth.
*MP3 recordings and
*Affirmations with the goal of healing and empowering the individual for lasting, healthy change.
*Past Life Regression - mainly if the client feels blocked to change and has no known reason to be, or is curious.
*Mediumship sittings.
*Spiritual Counseling for persons who wish to grow spiritually or are having trouble understanding their experiences, for example: seeing auras, spirits, opening to clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc. and giving them hope, guidance and practical ways to let go of fear and enjoy their gifts.
Degrees and Training:
Reiki I, Minneapolis, MN with Laurie Savran
Reiki II and III, Master Practitioner, NYC with Gary Jirauch
Master Hypnotist, Hypnotism Training Institute of LA, CA with Gil Boyne
NLP Master Practitioner, Grinder, DeLozier & Associates, LA, CA with John Grinder
Healing Touch Practitioner, Healing Touch Program, MN various teachers
Massage Technician, Mueller College of Holistic Studies, San Diego, CA, various teachers
Week-long intensives on the following: Chakras 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Native American Medicine Wheel, Mediumship 1-3, Weekend workshops on: Egyptian Mystery Training School, Body Symbology, Ceremony, Power, Healing Light Center Church, Sierra Madre, CA with Rev. Rosalyn L. Bruyere and Ken Weintraub.
Mediumship Mentoring Program with Matthew Smith, Tutor at Arthur Findlay College, Stansted, UK on-going (16 months) and 2 week-long workshops.
Mediumship training with James Van Praagh, Eileen Davies, Sandie Baker, Colin Bates, Leah Bond, Matthew Smith, and more - 1 week of class each year for last 3 years at The Arthur Findlay College, Stansted, UK.
Contact Information:
Claudia Johnson, BFA, MNLP, HTP, RMT, CHT
Healing Energy Arts Center
308 W. 22nd St., Suite 102
Minneapolis, MN 55404
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