As a weight and wellness coach, I support people who want to work towards a healthier weight through a more balanced, fulfilling life. My philosophy and focus includes conscious consumption and active living, but that's just a part of it. A holistic approach, considering all aspects of a person in the larger context of wellness, supports clients in achieving a weight loss that is sustainable and a life that is good.
My intent is to provide clients with the confidence, resources and support to achieve weight loss, be it through one-on-one coaching or group programs.
I bring both passion and practical experience to wellness coaching, as my natural way of being is to live healthily. I am motivated by both the difficult challenge that exists and the potential for changing lives.
It is well known that people who have support during stressful or changing times experience fewer negative effects. I offer support.
Check your pulse. If you have one, there's still time to create change.
Self-acceptance is a gift you give yourself. That's why it's called "self" acceptance.
Working from a hospital bed just isn't attractive.
If you would like to experience coaching and get to know me as your potential coach, call to schedule a complimentary session.
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