Supporting women of all ages when they feel stuck and unsure which direction to head next. Together we collaborate to get you moving down your path. I coach women to help them find their selves again and offer retreats intended to both nourish and nurture the soul. Retreats offer a way to step away from your ordinary life and just be you. Exercises are designed to help you be introspective, and give you permission to play and have fun! I am a graduate of Coach U, a certified Retreat Coach leader, a certified Seasons of Change Facilitator and a Laughter Yoga Leader. Visit me at
"It's never too late to be who you might have been" ~ George Eliot
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
Anais Nin
These two quotes kind of sum up my story, my transformation -- when I finally felt I needed to make a change and now living with the knowing that it is not too late and I'm living it with full gusto.
I would love to offer you a complimentary coaching session, no matter where you may live. Contact me to set up a mutually convenient time and we'll do it via telephone. If you have an issue you are struggling with, and you can't see the way clear, let me know and we'll see if we can chip an opening for some light to come through.
I do one-on-one phone coaching, 4 sessions per month (1 hr each) with unlimited emailing in between sessions to support you in moving forward. Don't feel like you have to settle for what is, when it doesn't feel like what you want. You can move forward. If you feel like there should be something more, there probably is. $300.00/mo
Email only coaching is also available if that option would work better for you. Email me what is going on and I'll respond within 24 hours. Unlimited. $150/mo.
I also offer monthly day-long retreats and hiking retreats, to get you out of your ordinary life and into an atmosphere where you have permission to let go of "stuff" and look inside and embrace the real you. Group Coaching, guided activities and guided imagery provide the space for you to reconnect with yourself and begin to envision what is next.