Chris Wright, M.A., is an author. He founded and was Director of The Human Relations Institute in Houston in 1987. In 1995 he was Director of PAIRS International, training psychotherapists to teach couples skills programs. He has lead workshops and therapist trainings around the country. In 1970 Chris Wright was trained as a teacher of Transcendental Meditation, a practice that has resulted in moksha in his life. He also teaches the Spiritual Enneagram, and The LoveMaking Process which evolved from the work of the late Barry Long.
CONSCIOUS RELATIONSHIPS - A New Orientation to Intimate Relationships
In the last few years, a new paradigm has emerged in couples relationships. One that is radically different from the earlier heights we all aspired to -- simply having a "healthy relationship." This new conscious approach to relating intimately represents a complete shift in our orientation, the processes invovlved, and even the goals of our being together. And yet is offers a level of harmony, healing, passion, and intmacy that is far beyond what we've come to expect. Or aim for.
This paradigm is so new to us, we rarely see it clearly laid out anywhere. Yet as we go through the dynamics, you will intuitively recognize it. Relate to it. Affirm it. For it represents more closely the archetype that lies deep in our hearts than any model of a life partnership.
In this orientation, a Conscious Relationship is seen as a primary vehicle for personal and spiritual expression, growth, and healing. Of course, new awarenesses, tools and skills are required to establish the emotional safety together that enable us to stay "conscious." Particularly in the face of the thunderous issues a relationship can unleash. So that we process everything together safely back to Peace and Love inside, and together. The relationship becomes a yoga, a process of expansion and purification of consciousness into greater wholeness together.
TRANSFORMING SEX INTO LOVEMAKING: "Physical sex is not the intimacy that people crave."
For many, physical sex is focused solely on sexual gratification and orgasm. There is a new approach being taught around the world that is completely unique, and so very natural. It is unlike any system to intimacy you've encountered, form the west or east. The LoveMaking Process teaches you how to restore the innocence and intimacy in your lovemaking. It teaches you how to have what each of you have longed for in sex -- a completely natural approach to making love. One that is more fulfilling, ecstatic, and nourishing for both of you.
LoveMaking in this way touches you both deeply. It will enable you to sustain the pure, natural, ecstatic experience that many couples enjoyed when they first met and fell in love. Having this regular, deeper, heartfelt emotional connection together strengthens the fabric of love and caring in our relationship.
SPIRITUAL ENNEAGRAM - Understanding Each Other's World
The Spiritual Enneagram offers a new revelation in couples relationships. It identifies the core ego needs in each person that need to be met for the relationship to thrive. For each of us, there are one, two or three fundamental needs that drive our entire personality. They are based on specific areas where we are disconnected from our depths, from our Self. Those few areas of Emptiness inside at our core are terrifying. They become core needs in our personality -- needs that we are unable to meet within our Selves.
In a relationship, we tend to be drawn to someone who has a different personality. Our partner's personality complements us, expands us. But it also means that their core "needs" are not as important to us -- we have enough of that within ourselves. So it doesn't make sense why that matters so much. All arguments and emotional distance in a relationship stem from these few core ego needs not being responded to. It is the only thing people get upset about. And when those core needs are met, they fill what is missing deep inside, and we feel whole. Our hearts open in appreciation and love.
The key to the success or failure of a relationship is simply how much awareness does a couple have of each other's core needs and how responsive they are to meeting them. And how conscious they are of their own needs, and the core insecurities that underly them, so they can readily own them in a relationship whenever tension emerges. Instead of projecting them onto their partner or the outside world.
This awareness is what supports have a truly Conscious Relationship together.