Founder of Conscious Living Solutions, Charyn Gant, The Conscious Awakening Coach, has been a Certified Life Awareness Coach for the last 5 years and a Spiritual Healing Practitioner for the last 6 years. With an extensive 10-year background in Alternative Healing, Charyn has educated, facilitated and presented classes, workshops and seminars in Self-Healing and Personal Empowerment for Women.
Charyn combines her innate wisdom and experience as a Life Awareness Coach, Shamanic Practitioner, Multi-Disciplined Body & Energy Worker, Master Aromatherapist and Internet Business Marketer to provide Soul-Centered tools and products for women who are seeking answers to life’s challenges and truly desire to live a centered and purposeful life by honoring her Soul Vision, Soul Guidance and Soul Voice.
"Faith is not a commodity we either have or don't have - it is an inner quality that unfolds as we learn to trust our own deepest experiences." ~From Faith by Sharon Salzberg
"The larger the FEAR, the larger the CHUNK OF PERSONAL POWER we can claim by walking through the illusion of Fear. Courage and Strenth is what is required to claim your Authentic Self." ~ Charyn Gant, 2008
To get started with Charyn Gant, The Conscious Awakening Coach, and claim your Free Ezine, please visit her website at
Charyn Gant
3579 E. Foothill Blvd., #604, Pasadena, CA 91107-3119
(310) 991-4271