Charles Moorehead has discovered how to motivate people to overcome the barriers to the kind of life they want. Perhaps you have dreams of a better life, but there is something preventing you from taking action. Whether these barriers are real or imaginary there usually is a way to overcome them. However this requires that you have sufficient motivation to even try.
The following information describes how Charles has found ways to solve problems and gain the motivation needed to break through these barriers.
These are my revelations and insights from which everything else flows. Although they may seem to be obvious truths, many people do not realize their importance or use them to help improve their lives.
These are my breakthrough revelations:
I developed certain insights after discovering how my subconscious mind could help solve some of my problems. However, this happened before I received the preceding revelations. Thus, I did not make the most use out of this discovery. Here are my insights:
I have accumulated practical knowledge from my life experiences and the self-help book I studied. This knowledge has helped me put my revelations and insights into action:
I have learned to put these revelations, insights, and related common knowledge together to form various articles and ebooks of personal empowerment.
This exercise provides some guidelines that may help you when choosing goals. However, it is entirely up to you to choose worthwhile goals.
When choosing your first few goals try for ones that can be achieved easily and rapidly. (These early successes will increase your self-confidence and facilitate your personal empowerment program.)
After achieving some early successes, you might next try for goals that will increase your capabilities and personal power. (Then you will be ready to try for more challenging goals.)
To help you further in selecting worthwhile goal, here are some leading questions to ask yourself.
The answers to the above questions should help you in selecting goals to improve your life.
Selecting mileposts and deadlines
This exercise helps you in setting mileposts and deadlines. These devices let you monitor your progress. They help insure that a goal will be achieved in a timely manner.
Goals can be monitored most effectively by dividing them into smaller tasks. A milepost refers to the completion of one of these smaller tasks. The expected date of completing the smaller task is its deadline. Sometimes it’s better to set a time limit of so many hours, rather than a specific date. This is done when you aren’t sure just when you will have some free time, but you know that the task should take only a certain amount of time.
Get some sheets of paper and a pencil or pen. Write your current goal at the top of the paper. Divide the paper into two columns. The first column is used to describe a smaller task. The second column is used for a deadline or time limit, as the case may be. This second column should only be about one-third the size of the first column.
Now break the goal into several smaller tasks. List each task on the paper, leaving two lines between each task. Then go back and put down your estimate for a deadline or time limit for each task.
As you work on the goal, you might have occasion to revise this schedule. It’s not intended to be cast in stone. It’s just meant to monitor your progress on completing the goal. Then if you begin to fall behind this schedule, you can either revise it or find ways to work more efficiently.
Use empowering beliefs to pierce the reality illusion that keeps you from seeing your true possibilities.
You can train your subconscious mind to help you solve problems and improve your results in life.
Determine your true desires and possibilities in life, set meaningful goals to chart your destiny, use motivating forces to overcome obstacles, take decisive actions, solve any problems, and review your results.
Purchase my ebook, Magic Success Secrets. This will help you determine and achieve your desires and possibilities in life. Also, it will be the best bargain you ever had.
Watch my videos in the CharlesAtTheHelm channel on YouTube.
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