The Joy of Being a Cosmic Connector & Networker!
What joy, excitement and gratitude I feel as I source and gather information, knowledge & wisdom to share with others. To empower, inspire and motivate them in their pursuit of vibrant health, wellbeing and spiritual growth.
Hi there!
This is Carolyn sharing how I came to be a cosmic connector and networker.
For many years I have enjoyed collecting words of wisdom, inspirational quotations, stories and articles on health, nutrition and wellbeing, also mega information on holistic healing.
This has involved me experiencing many holistic health and personal growth workshops, including certification in a number of alternative health modalities.
By 1995, in order to share all this information, I self published a Resource Directory. A small A5 booklet, called the Alternative Lifestyle Directory in which I listed holistic products, services and practitioners.
Interspersed throughout this little booklet, which I published every year until 2000, I was able to place some of my favourite quotations.
The appearance of the World Wide Web at the end of the 1990’s gave me the opportunity to target a wider audience. As I had so much information to share I created the website, Wisdom Seekers, which was launched on my late husband’s birthday, 3rd October 2000.
This was so exciting, as I now had a medium where I could begin to share and distribute all the information I was continuously sourcing and gathering.
This website consists of the Resource Directory in which hundreds of Holistic Products, Services & Practitioners are listed.
A free Wisdom Seekers Newsletter containing inspirational and health articles, also offers freebies from different people thus giving them exposure to a wider audience. This includes e.g. free clairvoyant readings to give people guidance, and of course some of my favourite quotes.
There is a section entitled “Whats On” which lists events, workshops, seminars and global events.
The Link Up Page is for Classifieds, to assist people find their soulmate, flatmate, new job or holiday home etc.
There is also a Notice Board for updates between the monthly Newsletters and a Chat Room.
I have Great Link pages for my favourite Links. These are mainly for non-commercial Sites, with similar interests to Wisdom Seekers, and offer assistance in spiritual growth, health and wellbeing.
The Resource Directory ‘s rapid expansion has necessitated a Search Engine to allow people to more easily and quickly access whatever they are seeking. Therefore my next goal is to develop a new and improved website with a search engine giving more efficient access to all the Holistic Products, Services & Practitioners available
One of my most exciting connections has been with my new friend Gaia whom I met about a year or so ago. In that time I have assisted her in connecting with Kurac Ashley who has now asked her to join his book promotion, to Neale Donald Walsch who has given her a foreword for her book “G…, Love & other bits and Pieces.”
I also connected her to David Riklan to join his EBook course and from that she has connected with the wonderful people also doing the EBook course. And lately her fingers have been flying over her keyboard as she writes more books … It is such a joy to watch this unfold.
As I connect people to people, the circle continues to grow, like a ripple in a pond. The first connection is made and then the next and the next. I feel so very blessed and grateful that I can play a small part in the growing awareness of so many people who are learning, growing, sharing and moving towards good health, abundance and the realization of their goals.
It is my passion to create Wisdom Seekers as a Gateway to inspiration, wisdom, empowerment, prosperity, vibrant health and joyous living.
You are the creator of your experiences.
Create with Love and Joy!
Blessings to you all.
Carolyn M Smith
Wisdom Seekers
Let there be more love & laughter in your living.
How wonderful it is
that nobody need wait a single minute
before starting to improve the world. ~ Anne Frank
Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued,
is always just beyond your grasp, but which,
if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.
Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Shoot for the moon and if you miss
you will still be among the stars.
Les Brown.
Dream as if you'll live forever.
Live as if you'll die today.
James Dean.
The best way to learn what I do, is to visit my website
Wisdom Seekers
It is my passion to create my online Resource Directory,
Wisdom Seekers, as a Gateway to inspiration, wisdom,
empowerment, prosperity, vibrant health and joyous living.
Listing your information on Wisdom Seekers.
I am at present working on my new and improved Website and will
advise you when it is up and ready to take new listings.