Caroline Jalango is an ex-lawyer turned life strategist and motivational coach for women who want to do better for themselves.
She is the author of: "Settle for Less No More”- What every woman needs to know about doing better for herself and “You Deserve to Feel Good”- How to ensure that you do!
She currently runs Motivation Zone, a life coaching practice where she helps women become unstoppable in their pursuit for success and Women's Future's--a workshop and seminar platform through which she empowers women to believe in their sense of worth and live purpose filled, fullfilling lives!
As a coach, she draws on her diverse personal and professional experiences to provide practical life changing information and strategies that help her clients jump-start and transform their lives from that of mere existence into rewarding ones infused with purpose, action and fulfilled dreams!
She also conducts seminars and workshops for groups and organizations that support women's personal, professional and socio-economic development, self esteem and so forth!
"Know First who you are and then adorn yourself accordingly"
Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being.
~Albert Schweitzer~
“What can I do today, this minute, this week, this month, this get my life going in the direction I desire?”
There is no moment like this moment...Send an email to and let's start making your life happen!
Caroline can be reached for coaching, consultation or speaking at: or, or