Dr. Carol is a researcher in the field of Spirituality and Natural Healing. She is an Energy Worker offering comprehensive Natural Health Care services and solutions. She specializes in Reiki, and other bio energy work; Meditation, Visualization and other spiritual energy work. She integrates body mind spirit for optimum wellness.
Instructive and transformative Workshops and Classes: Healing With Spirit, Your Power to Heal, EFT, Reiki
We are multi-faceted, multi-dimensional beings. The truth about us is we are body, mind and spirit . When we face the world and the myriad things that go on with our bodies, our relationships and affairs, sometimes we forget or don't realize that life does not happen to us, rather it happens through us. It happens through our consciousness, through the things we think, feel and believe; our attitudes, judgments, mental and emotional outlook. These things, in turn, govern the choices we make from day to day regarding the foods we eat, the amount of exercise, rest and sunshine we get, and all that we do from day to day. All of this constitutes our lifestyle.
When we are faced with illness, that can be the most "forgetting" time of all, and yet that is exactly the time to reconnect, and re-balance. My work, as a Natural Health Professional is to "re mind" you. I believe each body has its own wisdom and the true healer lies within. I can assist you in awakening the Divine Healer within. When we reconnect the three aspects of our self, body mind spirit, we heal in a Natural Way.
Hello Friend, I am Dr. Carol. I've been expecting you! Let's get connected. Visit my website for helpful tips and to access my products and services. www.HalingTheNaturalWay.com