Everything I learned about relationships has been through trial and error. From my experiences i have encountered emotional abuse, splitting up, marital problems, marital separation and more. These experiences have spilled over as divorce poison into other relationships.
Divorcepiration is about inspiration, healing and growth. This ebook is divorce recovery at the most basic level: emotional healing. We will get past your break up; through divorce and beyond, creating a new life after divorce and separation.
Find the answer to your relationship troubles within these pages. Marriage, work, family, sport teams, dating and friends are some of the relationships that we are involved in. In these relationships we have experienced pain at one time or another. This book will help with healing from the past pain and disappointments of life. Improve the future in the present. The only one you owe is yourself.
Life is a puzzle and people are like the pieces of a puzzle. The differences are what allows us to be put together as well as keep us a part. Let us always seek the way that puts us together. There is a value in differences. If we wanted someone like us, then we already have our self. Every day is a gift.
Compatibility is being able to recognize and appreciate the differences that exist. It is these differences that define our purpose in another's life. From this our value is recognized. One of the secrets to the law of attraction is the appreciation of differences, the recognition of the value of our fellow man.