For a complete Biograpy of Bruce, see Bruce Ehrlich AKA Bruce Eisner on Wikipedia
Bruce Ehrlich has written under the name Bruce Eisner has been a journalist covering consciousness and the alternative culture since 1971 when he published his first feature for the Los Angeles Free Press. From 1977-1978, he was a contributing editor for High Times and has also pubished in Omni Magazine and Gnosis.
Bruce started the famous Miindware Catalog back in 1988.The company later became the Mind Media Life Enhancement Network
Bruce's book, Ecstasy: the MDMA Story was published by Ronin Publishing, Berkely in 1989. He currently lives in Las Vegas where he is finishing his Ph.D. in psychology
Bruce has a number of websites including his blog the Mindware Forum and the Mind Media Life Enhancement Network
Currently PhD Candidate in Psychology with an empahis on creativity,consciousnes and personality from the Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center, San Fransisco Ca
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Imagine a future in which your personal computer becomes a doorway into a world of enhanced intelligence and creativity, emotional stability and previously unrealized personal success. In this world, the computer has become more than just a word processor or a web browser; it has become both an instantaneous communication tool for contacting seminar leaders or personal therapists and an interactive councilor that uses artificial intelligence to provide personal coaching and wise guidance. Or even further in the future, computer aided methods of transformation of human consciousness. Could that colorful screen upon which you may be reading this become that door? This is a question that has intrigued those who have studies the potential of the PC, and the answer may be that this reality is closer than we realize.
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