Hello! my name is Biancia Tate and, I live in Lynchburg Virginia with my husband John who is a traumatic brain injury survivor. We have no childen. I was born in Pasadena Maryland to Howard and Elsie Dashiells and, I have one biological brother, William and one step-brother Mike. My family was dysfunctional and challenging . In school, I had to perservere through bullying but, yet, I still managed to graduate from high school and, then, community college where I received an Associates Degree in Human Services then, I moved to Virginia where I graduated from Longwood College with a Bachelors Degree in Social Work. I was emloyed with Social Services as a Child Protective Service Worker, with the Prison as a Rehabilitation Counselor and, then, I worked for the Department of Youth and Family Services as a Probation Counselor. Then, my husband of less than a year was diagnosed with an AVM or a mass in his brain. He underwent a procedure to correct the situation but, there were severe complicaitons and, the result was a brain stroke which resulted in him being in a locked in state coma for two and one half months. He then went onto two other hospitals for another 4 months before returning home. The road to recovery was difficult and the brain injury brought many challenges to our marriage but, we refused to allowi it to define us . Nineteen years later, we are still married and have discovered a call on our lives to be deliverers and healers and, we are answering this call through our on-line ministry called The Hope Network, Inc. Our mission is to provide spiritual support, hope and healing to survivors of trauma and/or crisis. Our objective is to rebuild faith, restore confidence and renew hope in Jesus Christ after trauma and/or crisis. We fulfill this mission by providing online resources to those who have suffered from traumas such as domestic violence, sexual assault, mental illness, war, catatstrophic illness and fiancial distress. We also offer a daily devotional through the Hope Empowerment Evangelistic Center that ofers encouragement and strength to the survivor whose faith is struggling to grow the grief and pain experienced in trauma.
I have learned, through my many experiences with trauma that, God gives one the supernatural wisdom, strength, and love one needs to overcome what has come against them. He provides it through His Spirit, His Word and His people and, if one is courageous enough to open their heart and allow Him to come in, one will discover the healing power of unconditional love and the supernatural strength one needs to grow through what they are going through so they can become a new creation in Christ Jesus.
Life is an unpredictable journey but, when one allows themselves, one finds God is there with everything one needs to learn it's lessons and fulfill their divine purpose.
Beneath the Bitter snow, lies a Seed, that with the Son's love, in the Spring, becomes the Rose!
Nothing shall separate me from the love of God-not abandonment, not rejection, not betrayal and not persecution for I am more than a conquerior in Christ Jesus my Lord and, I can do all things because, Christ, gives me the strength thus, I can overcome my past traumas to walk into my present opportunities created by God to bring Him glory.
It is not how one starts but, instead, how one ends up that is important.
My life is the story of God's unconditional love called Grace.
Hello! my name is Biancia Tate and, along with my husband John, we are the founders of The Hope Network, Inc. whose mission is to provide spiritual support, hope and healing to survivors of trauma and/or crisis. We offer spiritual resources that provide encouragement and support to those who are survivors of such traumas as domestic violence, sexual assault, mental illness, war, catastrophic illness and//or war.
We are also launching a new project called The HEALED Project for those who have experienced abandonment, rejection, betrayal, and persecution in their childhoods which has left their spirits wounded, broken, fractured and/or shattered needing to be HEALED ( held, embraced, approved, loved, empowered and delivered) so that they can love God, love self and love others unconditionally.
One can contact us through our e-mail whose address is hopebearer1@verizon.net. as well as through our website whose address is www.hopenetwork.centralva.net