I love golf. Golf is more than passion for me. It is actually in our family. I remember those good times with my dad on the golf course, even when all my friends were playing soccer and basketball. I never regret that and golf became not only hobby but a lifestyle. Now I`m a golf teacher of young kids and teenagers. And I`m very proud of that. Luckily golf is more popular and more open to public than it was in times when I was young. You see back then nobody could just come to have a game. It was all strict and for members only. I`m happy that time has changed. Golf not only keeps young children fit, healthy and out of trouble, but it also builds their confidence and social skills. And one more important thing the future of this great game rests with the young golfers of today and I`m happy Golf clubs are open to nurture those young people both as individuals as well as golfers.
Golf not only keeps your children fit, healthy and active, but it also builds their confidence and social skills. Less active children are more like to be overweight and possibly develop diabetes or heart disease in later life.
by Eva Michna - Golf Club World
Golf is one of the most popular sports. The future of this great game rests with the young golfers of today and golf clubs play vital role in nurturing those young people both as individuals as well as golfers. There are many of opportunities for your children to have fun and learn in a safe environment.
by Eva Michna - Golf Club World
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